Tag: 15. November 2023
An Encyclopedia of 16th-Century Indigenous Mexico
Website mit Werken von Caspar David Friedrich
Keine Permalinks.
Video: Der Westfälische Frieden
The state of green open access in Canadian universities
Riddle et al. 2023: https://doi.org/10.5206/cjils-rcsib.v46i2.15358
“Abstract:This study investigates the use of institutional repositories for self-archiving peer-reviewed work in the U15 (an association of fifteen Canadian research-intensive universities). It relates usage with university open access (OA) policy types and publisher policy embargoes. We show that of all articles found in OpenAlex attributed to U15 researchers, 45.1 to 56.6% are available as Gold or Green OA, yet only 0.5 to 10.7% (mean 4.2%) of these can be found on their respective U15 IRs. Our investigation shows a lack of OA policies from most institutions, journal policies with embargoes exceeding 12 months, and incomplete policy information.”
Auskunftsanspruch gegen BND und Verteidigungsministerium bejaht
R. I. P. Stephan Molitor (1955-2023)
Unser Kurskollege Prof. Dr. Stephan Molitor, Archivdirektor a.D. (GND), ist Ende Oktober in den USA einem Fahrradunfall erlegen. Der aus St. Wendel im Saarland gebürtige Archivar war zuletzt stellvertretender Leiter des Staatsarchivs Ludwigsburg.