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Digitised images of the provenance inscriptions from the library of bishop Edmund Geste (c. 1515–1577)

“Digitised images for the provenance inscriptions (English, 16th-century) from David Selwyn’s book on Edmund Geste and his library are now available on the Bibliographical Society’s web site at
Geste (c. 1515–1577) was Vice-Principal of King’s College, Cambridge, and later bishop of Salisbury.

Reconstructing the library of a Cambridge don and Elizabethan bishop, By David G. Selwyn.
London: The Bibliographical Society, 2017. xxix + 493 pp; 110 colour illustrations.

Further information about the book can be found at

The accompanying online appendices, including an index of printers and publishers, digitised images of the paste-downs in Geste’s books, as well as the provenance images, can be accessed at
David Shaw” (Provenienz-L)


Scott Husby Database of Bindings on Incunables

“A 20-year project initiated by PUL’s former rare book conservator, Scott Husby, the searchable database contains descriptive records for more than 27,000 bindings on incunables preserved at approximately 30 North American research libraries.

For each library, every incunable binding – regardless of period – has been included in the census.”

