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Verluste astrologischer Kleinschriften des 16. Jahrhunderts

“The collection for 1565 tells us that VD16 misses 1 out of 13 authors (7.7%). The collection for 1569 tells us that VD16 misses 4 out of 11 authors (36.4%). For both years, VD16 records 23 editions from 14 authors. The two collections suggest that VD16 misses at least 4 out of 18 authors (22.2%). This isn’t an answer to the question of missing editions, but it does give us some interesting core samples to think about.”


“Luxurierende Gelehrsamkeit ohne Problemorientierung”

Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht erinnert an die legendäre Forschergruppe Poetik und Hermeneutik, zu der auch die Historiker Arno Borst, Reinhart Koselleck, Christian Meier und Klaus Schreiner gehörten.