Ellen Wexler: What Open-Access Publishing Actually Costs
Schaubild von Ubiquity Press
“Up to 99% of the cost of publishing is spent on peer review. Let me
illustrate that with a simple calculation. About half a year ago on
the Scholarly Kitchen blog it was reported that the technical
preparation (xml-coding etc) and hosting costs an average of $47 per
article at PubMedCentral
( http://scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org/2015/04/08/revisiting-the-price-of-posting-pubmed-central-spends-most-of-its-budget-handling-author-manuscripts ).
Any other publishing costs are essentially those associated with the
organisation of peer review (and profits, of course). That means, the
cost of peer review is an average of $2953 per article published in a
typical hybrid journal with APC of$3000, and an average of $4953 in a
typical subscription journal with revenues of $5000 per article. If
these figures are correct – and I have no reason to believe they are
materially wrong – the cost per article of technical preparation is
less than one percent of the average per-article revenue of a typical
subscription journal.
So, massive savings could clearly be made.” (Jan Velterop in Liblicense am 28. September 2015)
Shieber 2012
Klaus Mickus stellt die exorbitanten Gewinne der Verlage den Kosten anhand eines Journals gegenüber: