Biggest problem with open access week… no coordinated hashtag. #OAWeek2014 #OAWeek #OpenAccessWeek #OA14
— Micah Vandegrift (@micahvandegrift) 20. Oktober 2014
Trotzdem findet man auf Twitter hilfreiche Tipps zu Einführungen und Promo-Material in Sachen OA.
Zunächst ein Text von Peter Suber:
” Readings for Open Access Week.
I hope you’ll talk about open access with colleagues next week, which happens to be Open Access Week. Actually I hope you talk about OA at every opportune moment. If an opportune moment doesn’t come up every week, then use OA Week as the occasion. In my view, that’s the main purpose of OA Week. Talk from a stage, your office, a hallway, a sidewalk, or a café table. The setting doesn’t matter. Or if it does, personal settings may matter more than impersonal ones. Make the case in a way that your colleagues will understand, which you understand because you’re their colleague.
If you inspire your colleagues to want to act, or learn more, then follow up with readings. Here are half a dozen of my own pieces that I can recommend, from shortest to longest.
But don’t lead with readings. Lead with face-to-face conversation. Help people understand that there’s a serious problem and a beautiful solution.
Very Brief Introduction to Open Access. (1 page; available in English and 20 other languages.)
How To Make Your Own Work Open Access. (4 pages; available in English, Greek, and Spanish.)
Open Access: Six Myth To Put To Rest. (7 pages; from The Guardian, October 21, 2013.)
Open Access Overview. (10 pages; available in English and 10 other languages.)
Good Practices For University Open-Access Policies. (87 pages; with +Stuart Shieber.)
Open Access. (242 pages with an extra 25+ pages of updates and supplements; from MIT Press, 2012; available in English and Polish, partially in Greek, with 10 other translations in progress.)
My other writings on OA.
Happy OA Week! ”
Bei gibt es eine dreiteilige Artikelserie zu OA. Erster Teil:
Kompakte Informationen bietet die Posterausstellung der TIB Hannover:
Rückblick auf 5 Meilensteine der letzten 10 Jahre aus der Sicht von Oxford University Press:
Studie mit umfangreicher Autorenbefragung zu OA vorgestellt: