After this morning’s GW database update, it’s about time to bring you some recent news from the world of incunabula.
As usual, here’s the number of GW database entries containing links to one or more digitised copies: now 12,736 (in January we had 12,129). Among the new ones, there’s lots of interesting stuff, e.g.:
– Donatus GW 8926: the copy used (and annotated) by the Amerbach sons ( );
– A very rare edition of the German “Ship of Fools” edition GW 5048 ( );
– And quite a number of rare or unique volumes from our Berlin library, including the only known copy of the famous 1456 Calixtus III Bulla Turcorum in German: cf . As of now, both the German and the Latin edition (unique copy in the Scheide Library, cf ) are available online.
New incunabula:
– The John Rylands Library in Manchester recently announced the discovery of an Italian calender or “tabula” by Giovanni Baptista de Sessa, 1489; already online, cf. Thanks to Julianne Simpson at the Rylands.
– Another new broadside: A German almanac for 1487, printed by Peter Schöffer and found in the Municipale Archives in Mainz (fragmentary copy only):, communicated by Gertrud Friedl from the German ISTC branch in Munich.
– Nina Musinsky Rare Books in NYC sent images of a hitherto unknown edition of the Vocabularius ex quo. Her copy belongs to a closely related group of Strasbourg editions of this wide-spread dictionary and was printed c. 1498 by Georg Husner; cf and the surrounding GW numbers. Thanks to Nina as well.
– And finally, Lavinia Prosdocimi (grazie!) of the Biblioteca Universitaria de Padova reported fragments of an unrecorded Italian “Historia”, see
New reading matter:
– Jensen, Kristian: Reading Augustine in the Fifteenth Century. In: Cultures of Religious Reading in the Late Middle Ages: Instructing the Soul, Feeding the Spirit and Awakening the Passion, ed. Sabrina Corbellini, Turnhout 2013 (Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy vol. 25) pp. 141–72. The best paper I’ve read in quite a while.
– At a recent dissertation in Spanish by Luz María Rangel Alanís, University of Barcelona, on the Gutenberg Bible is available as PDF.
Miscellaneous: Robert Beasecker of GVSU informed me that “Last February our programming librarian had a video made to introduce students to the wonders and treasures to be found in our Special Collections. Here is the link, if you’d like to see it: There are interviews with two faculty (history and English), and many scenes of parts of the collections (including incunabula, of course!) and the building itself” – a very nice video indeed.
Best, Falk
Dr. Falk Eisermann
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke / Inkunabelsammlung
Unter den Linden 8
D-10117 Berlin (Mitte)