Mir wurde ein Gerücht zugetragen, dass die nichtösterreichischen Bücher, die Zisska zurückziehen musste, siehe
aus der Girolamini-Bibliothek in Neapel stammen, über die wir hier auch schon berichtet haben:
http://www.historyofinformation.com/index.php?id=3632 schrieb dazu: On May 9, 2012 the book auction house Zisska & Schauer in Munich, Germany, published the following statement on their website concerning their auction to be held that day:
“Zisska & Schauer regrets to announce that the following lots registered under ownership numbers 4 and 132 of the present Auction Sale No. 59 have been withdrawn until recently expressed ownership concerns can be satisfactorily resolved: […]”
Provenance information had been removed from roughly 500 books in this auction, clumsily and in haste, to the point of defacing some of the volumes; it was believed that they had been stolen from the Girolamini Library in Naples.
Das Abfangen von 500 Büchern in einem Münchner Auktionshaus erwähnt auch:
Der umstrittene Bibliotheksdirektor Marino Massimo De Caro sitzt inzwischen in Haft, mehrere Komplizen wurden ebenfalls festgenommen.
The Girolamini Library Thefts: a message from ILAB President Arnoud Gerits
“Shortly after the reopening of the Girolamini Library in Naples in April of 2012 the Director, Marino Massimo de Caro, announced that 1500 books were missing (April 17). On April 20 the Library was closed by the Naples Public Prosecutor. Marino Massimo de Caro has been suspended and was investigated for embezzlement. On May 18, 1000 books, 240 of which have ownership stamps from the Girolamini Library were found in storage in Massimo Marino de Caro’s home city of Verona, and on May 24 Mr. de Caro was arrested on the charge of embezzlement along with four others; a search warrant is out for a fifth. In the meantime Massimo Marino de Caro has confessed to the theft of thousands of books from the library and is cooperating with police in tracing them.
A number of stolen items from the library have been confiscated by the authorities in Munich (16 items), London (28 items), New York and Tokyo(uncertain numbers).
According to what is currently known and what Massimo Marino de Caro has confessed so far, it is very likely that the number of stolen books from the Girolamini Library is higher than 1500 but no definitive list of missing items has been published by Italian authorities so far. It appears also to be clear that the stolen books were spread out via the trade in several countries, in both Europe and elsewhere.”