Characterization of the Freesound Online Community

“Freesound is a collaborative database of Creative Commons Licensed sounds. Browse, download and share sounds.”

Characterization of the Freesound Online Community
Conference Paper
by Font, F., Roma G., Herrera P., & Serra X.

“There are many online communities with member generated and openly available multimedia content. Their success depends on having active contributing users and on producing useful content. With this criterion, the community of sound practitioners that has emerged in Freesound is a successful case of interest to be studied. But to understand it and support it further we need an appropriate analysis methodology. In this paper we propose some qualitative and quantitative approaches for its characterization, focusing on the analysis of organizational structure, shared goals, user interactions and vocabulary sharing. We think that the proposed approach can be applied to other online communities with similar characteristics.”


Was für ein Unsinn: ArtWiki

“Grundsätzlich gilt bei ArtWiki: Allein die Künstler entscheiden, was über sie zu lesen ist. Zwar verweist schon die Bezeichnung ArtWiki auf die große Online-Enzyklopädie Wikipedia als Vorbild – im Gegensatz dazu ist es aber gerade nicht jedem erlaubt, eine Bearbeitung der Künstlerprofile vorzunehmen. So sind es beispielsweise auch einzig die Künstler, die die Schlagworte vorgeben.”

Na dann warten wir mal auf PolitikWiki: Die Politiker entscheiden selbst, was man über sie lesen darf.

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