Penn Libraries to Launch New Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies with $20 Million Manuscript Collection Gift
PHILADELPHIA, PA – The Penn Libraries have received a major collection of 280
Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts, valued at over $20 million, from long-time benefactors and Library Board members Lawrence J. Schoenberg (C’53, WG’57, PAR’93) and Barbara
Brizdle Schoenberg. To promote the use of this and other manuscript collections at Penn, the
Libraries will create the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies.
“Through their extraordinary philanthropy and vision, Larry and Barbara have helped
build the foundation for a strong medieval studies program at Penn,” said Penn President Amy
Gutmann. “This new gift of an unparalleled collection of Medieval and Renaissance artifacts
builds on that foundation. For generations to come, the collection and Schoenberg Institute for
Manuscript Studies will have a profound impact on the study of human knowledge and creative invention.”
The Lawrence J. Schoenberg Collection reflects the passions of its collector—art,
science, mathematics and technology—and is utterly unique, comprising early manuscripts in
Eastern and Western languages and illuminating the scope of pre-modern knowledge of the
physical world in the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim traditions.
Zur Schoenberg-Colletion siehe
Ob auch ehem. Donaueschingen Cod. 494 = LJS 463 zur Schenkung gehört? Geschenkt wurden 280 Handschriften, die Sammlung beläuft sich aber auf über 400.