This is the user wiki and community site for London Lives.
You will need a London Lives user account to contribute to this site. Once you’ve registered, you can log in with your London Lives username and password to get started (use the login box in the sidebar or go here).
What anyone can do here
Read the biographies.
Get occasional news about the London Lives project at the news blog
What registered users can do here
Write biographies of eighteenth-century Londoners, based on sets created in London Lives and other sources.
You can tag biographies with keywords for easier searching and reference.
Well-documented biographies may (with authorial consent) be republished in the Lives section of London Lives.
Use the Corrections tracker to flag up errors you’ve found at the London Lives site.
Use My Pages to help you easily keep track of your contributions and ‘watch’ activity on your own pages, bookmark relevant material at London Lives and other sites, and communicate with other members.
Coming soon
Users’ forum – a space to share tips and strategies for using London Lives
Reference Desk – directory of useful online sources for eighteenth-century London lives
Frequently Asked Questions