Habe mir folgende Notizen aus diesem Buch vor Jahren gemacht:
Gefahren für den Whistleblower
Newspapers denigrate them for disloyalty
Difficult to stop mid-stream
Bureaucracy rarely forget or forgives (3d or 4thgenerations)
Motivations: real risk of being discredited rather than vindicated
Keine falschen Erwartungen
Do not expect justice
Only personal satisfaction that you did the right thing
Gefahr im familiären Bereich
Family break up
Taktische Tipps
Best defense is a good offense
You have to set the agenda
Develop thick skin. Be prepared to live with the whole record.
Strategic planning maybe the most important investment.
Umgang mit Behörden
Prove that you gave the proper authorities the chance to do the right thing: they cover up the problem
Good relations with administrative and support staff. They offer testimony.
Keep close records.
Keep a diary. Record events and full names.
It is better to understate than to overstate the case.
Treat your partner civilly.
Wie wird man dargestellt ?
Paranoia works in the bureaucracy´s favour. They want to paint you as an unreasonable, unstable person whose charges should not be taken seriously.
Don´t expect others to do the same.
Do not become obsessive true believer in the importance of the case. DON,T LET IT CONSUME YOU.
Object of surveillance by government or private investigators.
They want that you act irrationally. Bullying you into a mistake. Sound crazy.
Folgen für den whistleblower
Creates extraordinary stress for you.
Typischer Angriff gegen jeden whistleblower
Whistleblower wird analysiert, negatives Psychogramm erstellt
Investigation of the whistleblower
Open investigation and keep it pending for an indefinite period.
Create uncertainty and stress, undermine credibility.
Charges: loud mouth egomaniac, sexual harassment charges, drug raid, smear campaigns, greater threats, psychiatric examination
Blocking access to information
Publicly denigrated
Attack stealing evidence
Assault on a federal official
Disloyal, threatened with criminal prosecution
Financial bills
Credibility, career, family, finances, shooting the messenger
Darstellung des whistleblowers wird “zerrissen” nicht durch inhaltliche Auseinandersetzung, sondern durch Scheindebatten die sich auf die Person beziehen:
Trivialize, exaggerate, distort whistleblowers allegations. Although mistakes were made, they committed no intentional violations, whistleblower is discredited.
Rewriting record, deleting evidence. Findings are massaged through edits that ensure that they will not be interpreted as significant.
Absolution der angeprangerten Stellen durch willfährige Presse
Press release about investigation concluding that there was no wrongdoing.
Launch an investigation that never ends, leaving the allegations of wrongdoing unresolved.
Downshiften der Missstände
Trivialize allegations of wrongdoing by rewriting them and lower the scandal volume.
Die einzig wirksame Option: echter investigativer Journalismus, sofern dieser noch existiert oder selber “leaken”
Investigative reporter may be your best option.
Exclusive ? Yes, best interest. But unlimited time to work on it (Na und ?).
Ratschläge für den Umgang mit Journalisten
Setting a time irritates journalist. You can always agree to extend the deadline.
Be prepared for the fact that a story may not be published.
If the story is run, do not expect reporters to be crusader for your cause.
Journalists remain uninvolved in your personal concerns and activities.
Do not assume that since you are working closely with a reporter he is your friend.
The calmest person is the most credible.
Don´t exaggerate or dramatize.
High drama erodes the patience of long time reporters.
Do not try to convince reporters that you area hero or a martyr.
Factual information on the misconduct you witnessed. Let him ask about your personal hardships. Statements brief.
Do not come across as bitter, defensive or paranoid, and do not dwell on the subject.
Sound bite statements
Start with the conclusion and than explain the basis.
Create a mental image.
Demystify the jargon.
Get it right the first time.
Don’t assume that you own the reporter´s time.
The most fortunate receive a few month´s time.
Respect the hard work that almost all journalists invest in their profession.
If you are going public you may receive more publicity and requests for interviews after the story appears. Caution. One of the ways that they can discredit you to others is by portraying you as a self – glorified publicity hound. Don´t give them any ammunition by letting the publicity go to your head. A little humility can go a long way in making your case.
Tom Devine: The Whistleblower’s Survival Guide: Courage Without Martyrdom, Government Accountability Project, Selbstverlag Washington DC 1997
http://vierprinzen.blogspot.com (E)
update: Mannings Geisteszustand wird untersucht.
Spiegel: http://goo.gl/eUXAe
Passt in die hier dargestellte Zusammenfassung.
Parallele: in einem heftigen zurückliegenden Schriftverkehr mit meinem Widersacher (Insider wissen wen ich meine), wurde immer wieder und exzessiv darauf hingewiesen, dass nur “Geistesstörungen” die Offenlegeung von Geheimnissen” veranlasst haben können.