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Copyright struggles: providing access vs. protecting rights

What colleges and universities should want, most of the time, is to expand access to the materials they hold: archival materials, research studies and the like. The colleges and universities might like a little income to offset the cost of proving that access, but there is very little possibility (or risk) that anyone will or could make a great deal of money off the access provided. The central issue is access, not income; it is expanding use, not protecting rights.

Datenbank schottischer Personen

A database identifying over 15000 people in medieval Scotland has been officially launched. Paradox of Medieval Scotland, 1093-1286 draws on over 6000 charters to construct a unique data-base that provides biographical information about all known people in Scotland during that period.

Die Datenbank ist frei zugänglich:

Ehepaar Beaucamp schenkte dem Städel wertvolles Guarcino-Bild

Das Frank­fur­ter Ehe­paar Bar­ba­ra und Edu­ard Be­au­camp stif­tet dem Stä­del die um 1621/22 ent­stan­de­ne „Ma­don­na mit Kind“ von Guer­ci­no, ei­nem der be­deu­tends­ten Ma­ler des ita­lie­ni­schen Ba­rocks.