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Kosten fürs Hinrichten und Foltern.
Ein ärgerlicher Artikel über die Rezeption des Buchs “No Orchids for Miss Blandish”, der seine Angaben weder hinreichend belegt noch eiligen Lesern, die oben zitierter kryptischen Überschrift auf den Grund gehen wollen, irgendwie entgegenkommt. Es fehlt auch eine Zusammenfassung.
We are pleased to announce a new version of the Canadiana Discovery Portal at This version of the discovery portal has a completely re-worked user interface to search the Canadian Metadata Repository which provides links to digital collections of several Canadian memory institutions. The Canadiana Discovery Portal can now search over 930,000 online records (pages and documents) including:
1. Eleven collections from Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec – journals, photographs and music;
2. Four collections from Early Canadiana Online – History of French Canada, English Canadian Literature, Health and Medicine, Native Studies;
3. Statements and speeches from Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada; and
4. Alouette Canada portal metadata which includes several Canadian collections from:
Athabasca University
Cape Breton University
Glenbow Archives
Library and Archives Canada
McGill University Library
McMaster University
Memorial University
Prince George Public Library
Simon Fraser University
St. Francis Xavier University
Université Laval
University of Alberta
University of British Columbia
University of Calgary
University of Lethbridge
University of Toronto
University of Victoria
Vancouver Public Library
York University