Tag: 25. Mai 2010
Bruce Ferrini, Akron rare book dealer and book breaker, dies at 60
He bought his first illuminated manuscript leaf for $14 at age 18 from the collection of Otto Ege at Publix Bookstore in the old Arcade building in downtown Cleveland.
And like Ege, Mr. Ferrini is both credited and blamed for opening up the illuminated manuscript market by becoming a biblioclast, or book breaker — someone who breaks up books and manuscripts for the illustrations or illuminations (small paintings containing gold leaf) they contain.
NL: Populäre Druckgrafik (Centsprenten) digitalisiert
Zurechnungsfähigkeit eines Mörders
Buch zur Romfahrt Heinrichs VII.
Michel Margue / Michel Pauly / Wolfgang Schmid (Hrsg.), Der Weg zur Kaiserkrone. Der Romzug Heinrichs VII. in der Darstellung Erzbischof Balduins von Trier. Trier 2009.
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Comparison of Online Machine Translators
The final data reveals that while Google Translate is widely preferred when translating long passages, Microsoft Bing Translator and Yahoo Babelfish often produce better translations for phrases below 140 characters. Also, in general Babelfish performs well in East Asian Languages such as Chinese and Korean and Bing Translator performs well in Spanish, German, and Italian.
Teufelspakt von ProQuest mit Nationalbibliothek Florenz
“The unique pre-1700 materials in Italy’s famed Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze (BNCF) will be accessible around the world thanks to a new agreement between ProQuest and the Library. ProQuest will digitize BNCFs rich primary sources from the 16th and 17th centuries and make them fully searchable in Early European Books Online™, its recently released archive of rare works. The content will be made freely available to everyone within Italy, enabling all those users to explore the materials”
Solcher nationaler Egoismus bei der Schaffung einer europäischen digitalen Bibliothek ist extrem schädlich. Gemeinfreie Digitalisate dürfen nicht länger in den Fängen von Proquest etc. landen!