“Members of the Caribbean Archives Association (CARBICA) wish to express their heart-felt sympathy and solidarity with their colleagues and their families, and the Haitian people.
CARBICA, of which the National Archives of Haiti is a member, stands ready to help its fellow archivists to conduct damage assessments to establish the state of records and archives at the National Archives, government ministries and other allied institutions, as well as their eventual salvage and conservation.
Concerned that the compromise of vital records and archives would mean a compromise of good governance and national memory, members of CARBICA are invited to continue to make pledges towards a pool of resources for the salvage and preservation of vital records and archives. As part of the regional effort, members are asked to communicate to CARBICA any other initiatives they or their countries are making in that regard.
CARBICA is resolved to collaborate with the International Council on Archives, Blue Shield, and other allied organizations and NGOs working in Haiti, in order to lend support and aid that is practical, appropriate, and productive according to the priorities expected to be identified by the recently formed Haitian crisis unit “Patrimony in danger”.”
“The Caribbean Archives Taskforce for Disaster Preparedness (CARTAS) is the initiative of the Caribbean Archives Association (CARBICA) to co-ordinate CARBICA’s response to disasters affecting its membership.”
Link: http://cartas-carbica.blogspot.com/2010/02/carbica-statement-on-records-and.html
Tag: 2. Februar 2010
Nationallizenzen “Suchkiste”
http://geschichtsweberei.blogspot.com/2010/02/nationallizenzen-suchkiste.html meldet, dass
offiziell am Netz sei. Schön ist das Angebot sicher nicht, vor allem völlig Bug-übersät (jedenfalls benutzt mit Chrome).
JALB Emden wieder geöffnet
NRW-Archivgesetz: Wie geht es weiter:
Nach Angaben der Landtagsverwaltung verlief die Anhörung sehr zufriedenstellend. Die abschließende Beratung des Archivgesetzes im Kulturausschuss wird in der Sitzung am 24. Februar 2010 erfolgen. Im Landtagsplenum wird das Archivgesetz am 10. oder 11. März 2010 behandelt werden.
An dieser Stelle möchte ich mich bei der zuständigen Ausschussassitentin herzlich für die freundlichen und schnellen E-Mail-Auskünfte bedanken!