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Wie Geocities privat archiviert wird

“Die Feiglinge von Yahoo haben ganz heimlich, still und leise angekündigt, dass sie GeoCities dichtmachen werden”, schreibt Jason Scott am 24. April in seinem Weblog. “Sie wollen diesen beinahe 20 Jahre alten Hosting-Dienst abschalten, der über die Jahre zur Heimat von Millionen Nutzern geworden ist.” Für den begeisterten Sammler virtueller Artefakte aus dem frühen Web der 1990er Jahre war sofort klar: “Das ist ein Teil unserer Geschichte. Unserer Kultur. Es ist etwas, das ich für künftige Generationen bewahren möchte.”

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Danke an JP

UK: Database of Archives of NGOs

“DANGO, the Database of Archives of UK NGOs since 1945, is an online, free-to-access database, enabling researchers to identify NGOs that interest them, and then access both existing and new information about the content, location and accessibility of archival holdings relating to those bodies.”


Two New Digital Collections of the Claremont Colleges Library

Bodman Collection of Italian Renaissance Manuscripts

In this digital collection are eleven autograph, signed letters written between members of the Medici family of Florence and others in their social and political circles, including Angelo Poliziano, the Sforza family, Palla Strozzi, and Francesco Guicciardini. Written between 1426 and 1522, the letters touch on a number of issues urgent to the House of Medici including military campaigns, political associations, and the trials of family life.

Fashion Plate Collection, 19th Century

Over 700 full-color fashion plates from the Macpherson Collection of the Ella Strong Denison Library at Scripps College were culled from a variety of women’s periodicals and other mass-circulating works published between 1789 and 1914. The images are primarily from France, Britain, America, and Spain, and depict scenes of nineteenth-century middle- and upper-class life with an emphasis on the leisure practices of bourgeois women, men, and children. A number of plates also derive from trade journals for tailors, who used the images to create made-to-order garments for fashionable men.

Inkunabeln der Senate House Library, University of London

Artikel über die Katalogisierung der ca. 130 Stücke

Erschließung mit Provenienzen, darunter auch deutsche, im OPAC:*&l=z&Da=&Db=/mincunab*/1,137,140,E/limit?Ya=&Yb=&M=&L=&P=&W=&NAME=T&VALUE=.*

Nr. 45
ULL copy purchased from G. David, 29 Dec. 1953, £12.0s.0d. Armorial bookplate on front paste-down: Ex libris Liechtensteinianis (i.e. of Franz Josef II, Prince of Liechtenstein).

Nr. 53
ULL copy purchased 21 Mar. 1961 from Maggs, £40.0s.0d. Label on top left corner of front pastedown: Ex libris Jacobj Manzoni. Inscriptions: Ioannes Crisonman[?] VVV ex dono M. Choris[?] Wm haec autor, me possidet; H[e]nrij Aspacensis (16th-cent. hands, both t.p.); In usum F.F. Aspacensium (16th-cent. hand, head of A2r; pertains to Benedictine monastery at Asbach an der Rott, Bavaria); Cosmo Gordon (front pastedown).

Nr. 64
ULL copy is from the London Institution. Inscription at head of first leaf of text: Canon Regul. V. Corporis Chri. Coloniae.

Nr. 85
ULL copy is from the library of Sir Edwin Durning-Lawrence, purchased as lot 92 from Sotheby sale, 5 Dec. 1907, £1.3s.0d. Label of Georgius Kloss. Inscriptions on leaf pi1r of Hieronimus Eyselm de Mindelhaim (with motto) and of Johannes Schnapper, Gringorf[?], 1681. With marginal markings, underlinings and Latin annotations in early hands; some annotations partly lost through cropping.

Nr. 110:
ULL copy purchased 2 Jan. 1958 from Francis Edwards, £16.0s.0d, and presented in memory of Sir Edwin Deller. Purchased. Stamps of the Domus Gorheim, Soc. Jesu. T.p. inscription in early hand: “Pro Conventu Frommersbergensi Fratrum Minorum strict. observ[an]l[ic]e”, i.e. of the Franciscan covent in Fremersberg, near Sinsheim village, near Baden, Germany.

(Frdl. Hinweis von Falk Eisermann.)