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Überplanmäßige Ausgaben im Landesarchiv Berlin

Die Welt (Link) vermeldet den Bericht der Berliner Finanzsenators, nicht ohne auf die ungeplanten Kosten aus dem archivischen Bereich zu verweisen:
” …. So findet sich in dem Sarrazin-Bericht die Summe von 4805,22 Euro. Dieses Geld musste die Senatsgesundheitsverwaltung für die Bestrahlung von mit Sporen befallenen und damit gesundheitsschädlichen Altakten vor der Abgabe an das Landesarchiv aufwenden. …..”
Bei insgesamt 159 Mill. € fällt diese Bestrahlungsaktion doch wohl kaum ins Gewicht ?

Der Archivar im antiken Drama

Die FR (Link) bespricht die Züricher Aufführung von Aischylos´ “Die Perser” unter der Regie Stefan Puchers:

” …. Jean-Pierre Cornu [als Chor des persischen Ältestenrates] tritt auf wie ein Archivar oder das Klischee eines strengen Griechischlehrers, graue Hosen mit scharfer Bügelfalte, graue Weste, Brille. Sein Bericht über das enorme Heer des Perser ist schon voller schlimmer Vorahnungen, unfroh ……”

Homepage des Schauspielhauses:

Archiv und Mode: John Galliano war im Archiv ……

Die Welt (Link) berichtet abschließend über die Modeschauen in Paris: ” ….. Auch John Galliano, der neben seiner eigenen frechen Linie auch für die Mode von Hermès zuständig ist, war im Archiv unterwegs und hat eine schöne Kollektion aus Reiterei-Erbe und Reise-Eleganz gefertigt. ….”

Suber/Harnad Statement in support of the investigative work of Richard Poynder

Statement in support of the investigative work of Richard Poynder

Richard Poynder, a distinguished scientific journalist specializing in
online-era scientific/scholarly communication and publication, has
been the ablest, most prolific and most probing chronicler of the open
access movement from its very beginning. He is widely respected for
his independence, even-handedness, analysis, careful interviews, and
detailed research.

Richard is currently conducting a series of investigations on the peer
review practices of some newly formed open access journals and their
publishers. In one case, when a publisher would not talk to him
privately, Richard made his questions public in this Forum:

“Help sought on OA publisher Scientific Journals International”

That posting elicited public and private threats of a libel suit and
accusations of racism. Those groundless threats and accusations
appear to us to be attempts to intimidate.

“Lies, fear and smear campaigns against SJI and other OA journals”

Moreover, Richard is being portrayed as an opponent of open access,
which he is not. He is an even-handed, critically minded analyst of
the open access movement (among other things), and his critical
investigations are healthy for open access.

He has interviewed us both, at length. While the resulting pictures
were largely favorable, he didn’t hesitate to probe our weaknesses and
the objections others have raised to our respective methods or styles
of work. This kind of critical scrutiny is essential to a new and
fast-growing movement and does not imply hostility to the subjects of
his investigation or opposition to open access.

Trying to suppress Richard Poynder’s investigations through threats of
legal action is contemptible. We hope that the friends of open access
in the legal community will attest to the lawfulness of his inquiries
and that all friends of open access will attest to the value and
legitimacy of his investigative journalism.

Peter Suber and Stevan Harnad


See here