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Archiv der Otto & Maria Herrmann Stiftung in Stuttgart-Feuerbach

“Ziel der Stiftung ist es, das künstlerische Werk von
Otto Herrmann zu erhalten und unter kunsthistorischen
Aspekten aufzuarbeiten. Ausstellungen und Veröffentlichungen
sollen die Bilder dem Publikum zugänglich machen.
Die Stiftung will außerdem die Erinnerung an den gemeinsamen
Lebensweg des außergewöhnlichen Paares wach halten.
Maria Herrmann war eine beruflich erfolgreiche Frau,
die ihre Laufbahn als Sozialarbeiterin begann und nach dem
Krieg bis ins Pensionsalter in leitenden Positionen tätig war.
Über schwierige Zeiten hinweg hat sie das künstlerische
Schaffen ihres Mannes nicht nur ideell, sondern auch finanziell
ermöglicht und unterstützt. “


Secret Destruction of Cardiff Heritage Collection

Presse Release, September 1, 2008

[Update to ]

[Update: Some links at ]

A last ditch attempt has been launched to stop Cardiff City Council from breaking up and selling off a national heritage collection of Cardiff Public Library’s rare books dating from the 15th century. Sales lists are now being drafted by the auctioneers Bonhams in London and the first sales will probably take place before the end of the year.

A new action group, ‘Cardiff Heritage Friends’, which includes local Cardiff residents, academics, solicitors, historians and librarians, is calling for world-wide support from specialists in this field, demanding that the Council stop the sale of some of the greatest treasures in one of Wales’ great libraries. The group will also be seeking legal advice on the Council’s actions and exploring the case for stopping the sale.

It is thought insufficient funding has been earmarked by the Council to complete the new public library building in Cardiff, and that a decision has been made to sell at auction their most important British and European historical research collections in order to plug the financial gap.

There has been no consultation with local people, academics or other libraries, to discuss the wider value of the collection for Cardiff, Wales and beyond. It’s believed many new Councillors on the City Council are not aware that Cardiff’s heritage is being sold in their name!

Academics at Cardiff University have estimated that they could recruit between 15 to 20 postgraduates per year to the city if they had access to the collections for teaching and research; this would bring in around £150,000 to £200,000 per year in student fees and related spending to the city – not to mention the spending by people coming to Cardiff to consult these rare collections.

One Cardiff resident, Mr Siôn Tudur, said on behalf of the action group: “The idea of selling a heritage collection such as this is a national scandal, and brings shame to the City and its Councillors. In short, this is a classic example of cultural incompetence.”

Dr E. Wyn James, Secretary of the Cardiff Welsh Bibliographical Society, added: “It is ironic that the City Council intends selling this collection of international significance now, in the year Cardiff had aspired to be the cultural capital of Europe! The Council appears to be ignorant of the cultural and heritage importance of this unique collection, and of its prestige and potential use. Selling the Public Library’s rare books would be a disaster to Cardiff and Wales comparable to the National Museum selling its French Impressionist art collection.”


Dr E. Wyn James, Cardiff Welsh Bibliographical Society, 029 2062 8754,
Mr Siôn Tudur, Cardiff Heritage Friends, 07974 382 550,
Cardiff Heritage Friends, c/o 13 Wyndham St., Tongwynlais, Cardiff, CF15 7LN.

In 2007 Cardiff City Council decided to sell the historical British and European collections in the Public Library, due to the shortfall in the budget to build the new public library building in the city. It is understood that they intend buying a computer system to loan library books with the profits from the initial sales of rare books, for £500,000. The intention is to sell in the region of 18,000 books dating from the 15th century to the 19th century, covering literature, history, religion, geography, natural history and politics.

Cardiff is the only capital city in the British Isles without either a National Library or a National Archives in the city – key institutions for supporting academic research and the resulting economic benefits. However, it is generally recognised that Cardiff Public Library’s outstanding humanities collection is one of international significance, befitting a capital city. That collection will be irreparably damaged if this sale proceeds.

If the Council continues with plans to sell the heritage collections in the Public Library, that step will substantially damage the City Council’s hopes of attracting further public funds or private grants for heritage projects. It could also jeopardise its applications for grants for the new Museum of Cardiff which it wishes to establish.

Because of the failings in the Council’s case for selling the collections, and the damage to the reputation of the City Council that will come in the wake of its decision, it is quite possible the Council will lose other rare and historical collections which are on loan or deposit at the Public Library, since owners will have no faith their collections will be preserved. There is already evidence to suggest the Council intends to sell collections it does not fully own.

The report recommending the sale of the collections is published on the Council’s website: . The report is entitled: ‘Disposal of Surplus [sic] Library Stock’ (11/01/2007).

We attach a copy of a letter which ‘Cardiff Heritage Friends’ are encouraging its international network of specialists to send to Cardiff City Council.


To: c.c. ‘Cardiff Heritage Friends’

Councillor Nigel Howells
Executive Member Sport, Leisure, Culture
Executive Support Office
Cardiff City Council
County Hall
Atlantic Wharf
Cardiff, CF10 4UW
Wales, UK
(Tel. 029 2087 2598 / Mob. 079 7011 9619)


Re: proposed sale by Cardiff City Council of national heritage rare books research collections in Cardiff Public Library

Dear Cllr Howells,

We view the proposed sale of rare historical research collections by Cardiff City Council with grave concern. There is a real danger that a short term financial issue in the city undermines forever the long term benefits that can accrue from these collections, and sets an extremely worrying precedent.

The collections, ranging from 15th century continental incunabula, to 17th century English civil war tracts, plus key 18th and 19th century historical, literary, religious and geography sources, are a spectacular international research resource, befitting a European capital city library.

If these research collections were sold and dispersed, probably well beyond Europe, the people of Cardiff and Wales, and researchers in the UK and EU, would lose a rare historical heritage resource forever, and the city would be culturally poorer permanently.

We would urge you to support the efforts to retain in Cardiff and preserve, develop and promote one of Wales’ great literary and historical treasures, so as to enhance the cultural, educational and economic benefits in which we can all share in the international research community.

However, we also see this as a major opportunity to turn around an embarrassing situation, to one which benefits all the parties involved, in Cardiff and beyond, and we request the sale proposals are abandoned while all party talks in Cardiff seek a mutually beneficial outcome.

Yours sincerely,


An Open Letter to Cardiff City Councillors and

to the Assembly Members and Members of Parliament for Cardiff

Destruction of an Important Part of
Cardiff and the Nation’s Heritage

I am writing to you in my capacity as Secretary of the Cardiff Welsh Bibliographical Society.
It has come to our attention that Cardiff City Council intends to sell many of the rare books in Cardiff Public Library, in order to furbish the new library building in the centre of Cardiff. We understand that Bonhams of London are at present preparing lists of the Library’s books for sale by auction.
From the end of the nineteenth century until the Second World War, an enlightened Cardiff City Council created in the City Library a research collection of national and international status – a collection befitting a capital city.
The City Library holds one of the most important collections of Welsh books and manuscripts outside of the National Library of Wales at Aberystwyth; but it also has many thousands of rare books from the 15th to the 19th centuries, together with manuscripts from the Middle Ages, which are not ‘Welsh’ as such, although many of them have strong Welsh connections.
These truly remarkable collections include a notable collection of rare atlases; a good cross-section of ‘incunabula’ (i.e. early books printed in Europe pre-1501); an important collection of early printed Bibles; key English and European texts from the Protestant Reformation; a substantial collection of scarce political tracts from the Civil War; rare books on natural history, geography, and so on, and so on.

In other words, Cardiff City Library has a rich research collection of international prestige and importance.

It is probable that Cardiff is the only capital city in Europe without either a National Library or a National Archives. But at least it had the magnificent collection of the Cardiff City Library. That collection is now in danger of being damaged irreparably as a result of a little-publicised decision by the Council made in 2007.

The decision to sell many of the Library’s rare books was made following the recommendations in a document entitled ‘Disposal of Surplus [sic] Library Stock’ (11/01/2007). The document contains such statements as: ‘they [the rare books] are unsuitable for use by anyone other than academics and specialists’ – as if Cardiff did not have a substantial academic community and aspirations to be an international city of learning!
As the document admits, most of these valuable books – especially since the Library was moved from it old building in the Hayes in 1988 – have been lying in stores, uncatalogued, and their existence almost unknown to all but a few specialists. Who knows but that Cardiff would have been the cultural capital of Europe in 2008, if these rare books had been treated and promoted as they deserve!
But rather than ensuring that these valuable collections be catalogued, and exploiting these assets in a way that would substantially enhance Cardiff’s prestige as a city of culture and learning, the Council has decided to sell them, thereby losing the substantial long-term benefit – both cultural, academic and cultural – that would come to the city through their presence there.

It is true that many of the approx. 18,000 rare books the Council intends to sell are not ‘Welsh’ as such; but as a collection they are a significant part of the cultural history of Wales. And of course, all libraries which aspire to ‘national’ status include a good cross-section of books from outside their country, in order to place their culture in an international context. Indeed, selling the rare English and Continental books in Cardiff City Library would be a cultural disaster to Cardiff and Wales comparable to the National Museum selling ‘La Parisienne’ and the rest of its French Impressionist art collection!

Many of the items to be sold were gifts, donated to the City Library by benefactors for the long-term welfare of Cardiff, its citizens and the nation. Although the Council may (perhaps) have the legal right to sell these treasures, it certainly does not have the moral right.

We urge you, therefore, to do all in your power to overturn this shameful decision to sell an important part of the heritage of Cardiff and Wales, an act which will damage irreparably Cardiff’s standing in the world of culture and learning, both nationally and internationally.

Yours sincerely,
E. Wyn James

Secretary, Cardiff Welsh Bibliographical Society
16 Kelston Road, Whitchurch, Cardiff CF14 2AJ

We urge readers of this open letter to write to their Councillors and to their Assembly Members and Members of Parliament, pressing them to do their utmost to prevent this disgraceful sale of rare books and to ensure that the Council promotes it rich library collections in a way befitting of the capital city of Wales.

Archiv Charles Koechlin in Kassel

” …. Otfrid Nies setzt sich auch für die Werke des französischen Komponisten Charles Koechlin (1867-1950) ein. Das von ihm 1984 in Kassel gegründete “Archiv Charles Koechlin” bietet interessierten Interpreten und Musikwissenschaftlern Gelegenheit, das umfangreiche Oeuvre dieses Zeitgenossen von Debussy und Ravel kennen zu lernen. …..”
Quelle: (Link)


Archive und Klangkunst

Aus einem Porträt des Klangkünstlers Satoshi Morita von Christine Schön auf DeutschlandradioKultur (Link):
” ….. Die Geräusche seiner Kindheit aus dem Tonarchiv seines Vaters sind für Satoshi Morita Inspiration für seine “multisensorische” Klangkunst. Auf der “Ars Elektronica” in Linz präsentiert er seine interaktive Installation “Klangkapsel”, in der Besucher ihn beim Kochen hören und fühlen können. …..
Satoshi Morita hält die 34 Jahre alte Kassette behutsam in der Hand. Sein Vater hat darauf in korrekten japanischen Schriftzeichen Ort, Datum und Ereignis vermerkt. Zuhause in Tokio muss es ein ganzes Archiv von diesen Tonträgern geben, denn nicht nur Satoshis Geburt, sondern alle Familienfeste der Moritas wurden auf Audio gebannt. ….”

Archive und Kunst: "Vertrautes Terrain" beim ZKM in Karlsruhe

Die FR (Link) berichtet u. .a.: ” ….. Sven Johne wiederum hat sich nur scheinbar an der Realität orientiert. Das von ihm präsentierte Archiv des “Republikflüchtlings Alfred Kleistner”, der Hunderte Fotos von der Ostsee gemacht haben soll, bevor und nachdem er sie 24 Stunden lang von Ost nach West durchschwommen hat, ist ebenso fiktiv, wie die Geschichte von den “Wissower Klinken”, jenen Kreidefelsen auf Rügen, die einst angeblich Caspar David Friedrich inspiriert haben und 2005 bei ihrem Herabstürzen dem Fremdenführer Klaus Barthels auf den Kopf gefallen sein sollen. Geschichten, die Johne mit faszinierenden Details anreichert, so dass sie weit glaubwürdiger anmuten als seinerzeit die Fiktionen Karl Mays. ….”

Homepage der Ausstellung:

Archive und Kunst: 1000 Tage Nichts archiviert

Foto:Isabella Glogger

Die Münsterländische Volkszeitung (Link) berichtet unter einer Übersicht, die auf den Tätigkeitsbericht eines bedauernswerten Archivs schließen lassen könnten, über eine Kunstausstellung folgendes:
“…..Nein, schließlich möchte der Künstler sein „Archiv des Nichts“ weiter wachsen sehen. Seit genau 1000 Tagen recherchiert, sammelt und archiviert er alles zum Thema „Nichts“ – für zehn Tage macht sein Projekt nun zum runden Bestehen Halt in dessen Geburtsstadt Münster. ….. Bis zum 13. September können Besucher im „Archiv des Nichts“ lesen und forschen. Außer Montag ist es täglich von 15 bis 19 Uhr im Speicher II am Hafenweg geöffnet. ….”

s. a.:

ALA: No Open Access for own journals

Brian Kenney, An Open and Shut Case, School Library Journal, September 1, 2008.

… [L]ibrarians are the most vocal advocates for open access to journal content—except, apparently, when it’s their own publications. I suspect this is because of [the American Library Association]’s outdated, carrot-on-the-end-of-the-stick, publishing model: keep the publications locked away as the supreme benefit of membership.

There are three problems with this approach, and one is ethical. Is it really right to harvest the intellectual capital of a profession—with no compensation for authors—then sell that content back to the profession? How can [the American Association of School Librarians], for example, … justify withholding Knowledge Quest from the rest of the educational community?

Another issue is marketing. … By locking away its literature, ALA loses out on a major marketing opportunity for its members, the divisions, the association, and the profession.

Finally, there is common sense. If you want your content to be used, then readers need to be able to discover it through a search engine and read it in a click. Or find it in their feed aggregator. We need to be able to forward it, post our disagreements with it, blog about it, and have it pushed to us on Facebook. It must, in short, be integrated into our professional lives. Or else it becomes irrelevant, no matter how good it might be.

Come on, ALA. Let your content go free. You’ll never miss your old-school business model again. I promise.

Attack on Welsh Heritage

[Update: ]

An action group says it is “aghast” at plans to sell some of Wales’ oldest and rarest books.

Cardiff Council could eventually sell up to 18,000 items dating from the 15th Century at auction to raise money for improvements in library services.

The collection at the central library includes early atlases along with a second edition of Shakespeare.

An initial 139 items are being assessed but the group, which includes academics, wants an end to the process.

The council says all proceeds from the sale will be re-invested back into the whole Cardiff library service.

Cardiff Council said auctioneers Bonhams have identified an initial list of 139 titles to consider.

“As you will appreciate we have nearly 18,000 items to review and this will be undertaken in a staged process over several years, “said a spokesman.

He said the council intended to keep the 13th Century Llyfr Aneirin (The Book of Aneirin), the manuscript collection (including the Captain Scott manuscripts and Bute papers).

Also being retained are early printed Welsh books and bibles, including a Bishop Morgan bible.

“The items for review include some incunabula and the private press, special bindings, limited editions and rare book collections,” said the spokesman.

But campaigners insist selling the collections will “be a step backwards” for the city.

Peter Keelan, head of special collections and archives at Cardiff University Library, said he understood the first batch of books date back to the 1500s and were probably the most valuable of the books being sold.

He estimated that some individual volumes could fetch in the region of £30,000 to £40,000.

“We are in discussions with the council about whether we could buy some of the books but the prices they could fetch at auction would be beyond what we could afford,” he said.

“Nothing has come of the discussions yet but we have the capabilities of looking after books of that age – we have books going back to 1508 – and so if the council says they cannot afford to keep them and care for them, we could. It would also mean people from all over Cardiff could see them.”

The city’s collection includes a Tyndale’s bible, one of the earliest translated and published in the 16th Century; key English and European texts from the Protestant Reformation; a substantial collection of scarce political tracts from the Civil War and rare books on natural history and geography.

Mr Keelan said: “There is nothing else here in Wales as the library in Aberystwyth concentrates more on Welsh texts. Students would have to go to London for their research. If these books disappear from Cardiff, research will grind to a halt.”

‘Long-term benefit’

A new action group, Cardiff Heritage Friends, which includes local residents, historians, other academics, solicitors, and librarians, is calling for the council to stop the sale “of some of Wales’ greatest treasures”.

Group member Dr Wyn James, who is also secretary of Cardiff Welsh Bibliographical Society, said: “A lot of people are aghast about this. For Cardiff, having these books is the difference between Cardiff being a local and Welsh interest library to being a library in the international league.

“In the past the council has not invested in these books and did not include them on the electronic catalogue, which means that the majority of people did not know they were there.

“But rather than ensuring that these valuable collections be catalogued, and exploiting these assets in a way that would substantially enhance Cardiff’s prestige as a city of culture and learning, the council has decided to sell them.”

A council report in 2007 said it would cost the authority £2-3m to look after the collections.

A spokesman for Cardiff council said the sale would allow the authority to “provide high quality 21st Century services for all Cardiff residents”.

“Improvements will include technological advances that will benefit all library users across the city,” he said.


On the library:

According to ISTC Cardiff Public Library has more than 170 incunabula, says Falk Eisermann:

Spiekers "The Big Archive"

Richard J. Cox, Professor in Library and Information Science an der University of Pittsburgh weist in seinem Blog (Link) auf das neuste Buch Sven Spiekers hin:
“Artists, in their work, comment on all aspects of life, and they have not ignored archives. Sven Spieker, The Big Archive: Art from Bureaucracy (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2008) documents such commentary. Spieker’s book “looks at the way in which the bureaucratic archive shaped art practice in the twentieth century, from Dadaist montage to late-twentieth century installation” (p. 1). Spieker analyzes art commenting on the archivist’s role, how archives are ordered, how early professional archivists viewed records as a life form, the differences between archives and registries, and the use by artists of archival artifacts or symbols (such as card indexes, typewriters, and file folders)…..”. Max Plassmanns Rezension (Link) zu Sven Spieker (Hrsg.): Bürokratische Leidenschaften. Kultur- und Mediengeschichte im Archiv, Berlin 2004, mag andeuten, was in diesem neuen Buch Spiekers zu erwarten ist.

Lebenslauf mit Literaturliste Sven Spiekers:

Kassel vs. Hanau. Wettlauf um die Gebrüder Grimm

FR (Link) stellte u. a. die Kasseler Planungen vor:
” ….. Nur wenige Gehminuten vom Weinberg entfernt liegt das Brüder-Grimm-Museum im Palais Bellevue. Welche Rolle dieses Haus bei den Plänen spielen soll, “Grimm-Hauptstadt” ….zu werden, ist noch ungewiss. Bereits im vergangenen Sommer haben die Stadtverordneten beschlossen, das 1714 als Sternwarte errichtete Gebäude zu sanieren – was dringend nötig ist: So wurde die baufällige historische Treppe bislang nur provisorisch gesichert. Rund zwei Millionen Euro werden kalkuliert. Künftig könnte das Haus Archiv oder Bibliothek sein. Derzeit besuchen etwa 30 000 Besucher pro Jahr das Museum…..”

s. a.:

Porsche-Archiv zieht um

Die Stuttgarter Zeitung (Link) berichtet u. a.: ” …..”Wir sind das Gedächtnis der Porsche AG”, sagt der Archivleiter Dieter Landenberger, “hier lagern rund zwei Kilometer Akten und zweieinhalb Millionen Fotos.” Für ein Unternehmen wie Porsche ist die eigene Geschichte die beste Werbung. Die Kunden kauften nicht nur einen Sportwagen, sondern auch den Mythos der 28.000 Rennsiege, betont Landenberger. …..
Die Tage des Archivs im Obergeschoss des in die Jahre gekommenen Werksgebäudes am Porscheplatz sind gezählt. Landenberger und seine vier Kollegen sind am Kistenpacken, die Reise geht nur wenige Meter weiter – ins Porsche-Museum, das auf der anderen Straßenseite seine Konturen annimmt und zum Beginn des nächsten Jahres seine Türen öffnet. …..”

Folgende Blogeinträge des Kollegen Sebastian Post geben ein reichbebilderten Einblick in die Arbeit des Porsche-Archivs:

Fassbinder Foundation mit Archiv

” ….. 1986 gründete Liselotte Eder die private und gemeinnützige Rainer Werner Fassbinder Foundation (RWFF), die sie 1992 an Juliane Lorenz übertrug. Die Foundation ist Inhaberin aller Rechte an Fassbinders Nachlass, einschließlich aller nachträglich erworbenen Rechte. Immerhin vierzehn Theaterstücke, sechs Adaptionen, vier Hörspiele, vierundvierzig Kino- und Fernsehfilme und zwölf Liedertexte schuf Fassbinder. Fünfzig Drehbücher schrieb er – dreizehn davon mit Co-Autoren. Zu seinen bekanntesten Filmen gehören “Händler der vier Jahreszeiten“, “Die bitteren Tränen der Petra von Kant“, “Fontane Effi Briest“, “Angst essen Seele auf“, “Die Ehe der Maria Braun“, *Berlin Alexanderplatz“, *Lili Marleen“, “Lola“, “Die Sehnsucht der Veronika Voss“ und “Querelle“. “Die wichtigste Aufgabe der Foundation ist es bis heute, Rainers Werk zu erhalten und zu entfalten“, erklärt Juliane Lorenz. “Man kann sich gar nicht vorstellen, wie empfindlich Filmmaterial und Manuskripte sind.“ Seit Jahren lässt die RWFF Sicherheitsnegative und neue Kopien der Filme anfertigen. Manche der originalen Umkehr- oder Farbnegative waren so ausgebleicht, dass diese Filme komplett rekonstruiert werden mussten. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt der Arbeit sind der Aufbau und Ausbau eines umfassenden Foto- und Dokumenten-Archivs. Wahre Schätze – auch aus den der Foundation angegliederten Privatsammlungen Lilo Eder und Juliane Lorenz – wurden dabei gefunden, die der Öffentlichkeit zukünftig vorgestellt werden sollen. ….”

Quelle und Homepage der Stiftung: