BCK macht mich freundlicherweise auf einen Beitrag von Peter Brantley (DLF) zu Google Book Search und anderen Unternehmungen aufmerksam:
Am Ende steht ein Appell:
“We must learn, in other words, to trade for our own account – not the account of Google, Elsevier, the AAP, or the Authors’ Guild. We must acquire, and build, a shared universe of information, freely available to all, on our terms. We must stand together for all we profess, against all danger — stand for what no other organization in this world can: the fundamental right of access to information, and the compulsion to preserve it for future generations. This is not an economic imperative; it will surely never be the aim of an advertising company. It is the mission that defines libraries.”
Bemerkenswerterweise geht ein anderer Beitrag (OCLC) in die gleiche Richtung:
“But regardless of what happens along the way, what matters is the end result – and for that reason, I find myself repeating this mantra: No matter what compromises we may make in finding ways to work with private partners, we must ensure that at some (hopefully not too distant) point in time, all restrictions will be lifted and the content will be openly accessible (limited only by rights inherent in the content itself).
That’s a long mantra, here’s an abbreviated one: Ensure that the content will be open.”