University Heritage: Universal Heritage?
Universeum Network Meeting
Lisbon, Portugal, 6th – 8th July 2007
> Download the programme as a PDF document here. [225kB]
Museum of Science,
University of Lisbon – MCUL
Rua da Escola Politécnica 56
1250-102 Lisbon
> Friday, 6th July
> Observatory, AOL
> Saturday, 7th July
> Sunday, 8th July
> Post-conference excursions
Friday, 6th July
Amphitheatre of Chemistry, MCUL
* 9.30 h – Registration (Museum Entrance)
* 10.00 h – Opening Session
Ana Eiró, Director of the Museum of Science;
Maria Amélia Martins-Loução, Vice-Rector of the University of Lisbon (to be confirmed);
Ana Simões, Centre for the History of Science, University of Lisbon;
Marta C. Lourenço, Organising & Programme Committee.
* Opening Addresses
Chair: Ana Eiró, Museum of Science.
o 10.30 h – Steven de Clercq, ICOM/UMAC, Universeum: Where to from Now? Reculer pour mieux sauter (15+5 min)
o 10.50 h – Sofia Talas, University of Padua;
Marta C. Lourenço, University of Lisbon,
From Europe to the World: Common characteristics and ‘strong points’ of European university museums (30+10 min)
* 11.30 h – Coffee Break
Auditorium Manuel Valadares, MCUL
* University Heritage Moving Beyond Traditional Borders
Chair: Steven de Clercq, ICOM/UMAC.
o 12 h – Nuno R. Lopes & João Marujo, University of Coimbra,
The University of Coimbra, A Candidate to UNESCO World Heritage
o 12.30 h – Sébastien Soubiran, Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg,
What paths for university museums and collections: universities’ showcases, communication tools, research and teaching objects, cultural artefacts?
* 13 h – Lunch
Auditorium Manuel Valadares, MCUL
* University Archives
Chair: Pedro Sousa Dias, University of Lisbon.
o 14.30 h – Menno S. Polak, University of Amsterdam,
University archives and research data
o 15 h – Conceição Tavares, University of Lisbon,
The D. Luiz Meteorological Observatory: University heritage as a source for the history of geophysics
o 15.30 h – Josje Calff, Leiden University,
The paper heritage: the Special Collections of Leiden University Library
o 16 h – Coffee-Break
University Heritage as a Source for Learning
Chair: Thomas Bremer, Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.
o 16.30 h – Luisa Arruda, University of Lisbon,
The Faculty of Belas Artes in Lisbon: Art heritage
o 17.00 h – Marisa L. Monteiro; Luís Bernardo & José M. Araújo, University of Porto,
Teaching keepsakes in the Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto
Laboratory of Physics Cyrillo Soares, MCUL
* 17.30 h – Poster Session
o Graça Bachmann & Alexandra Melão, Technical University of Lisbon,
Mechanical systems at the Astronomical Observatory of Lisbon
o José Pedro d’Amorim; Alexandra Melão & Pedro M. de Abreu, Technical University of Lisbon;
Rui J. Agostinho, Astronomical Observatory of Lisbon,
The legacy of astronomical instruments at the Astronomical Observatory of Lisbon
o Rita Gomes Batista, Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Lisbon;
Rui J. Agostinho, Astronomical Observatory of Lisbon,
The archival legacy of the Astronomical Observatory of Lisbon
* 17.45 h – Visit to the Laboratorio Chimico, Museum of Science, with Marta C. Lourenço, University of Lisbon
* 18.30 – Welcome Cocktail
For any information you may contact Marta C. Lourenço, mclourenco(at)
Call for papers and registration are now closed.
> MCUL – Museu de Ciência da Universidade de Lisboa
> CHCUL – Centro de História das Ciências – Universidade de Lisboa
Special Programme
at the Astronomical Observatory of Lisbon, Tapada da Ajuda
[Please confirm your participation with Marta C. Lourenço, mclourenco(at) Meeting point: bus outside the Museum of Science at 19.45 h]
* 20.30 h – Pedro M. de Abreu, Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Lisbon,
Appropriation and innovation in the architectonic process of the Astronomical Observatory of Lisbon
* 21.00 h – Tour of the Observatory and the Collection, with
Rui J. Agostinho, director of the Observatory
* 22.00 h – Observing the Sky of Lisbon … with real telescopes
* 23.00 h – Return to Museum of Science
Saturday, 7th July
Auditorium Manuel Valadares, MCUL
* University Heritage as a Source for Communicating with Society I
Chair: Daniel Raichvarg, Université de Bourgogne.
o 9.30 h – Pedro Casaleiro, University of Coimbra,
Collection care and exhibition at the Laboratorio Chimico, Museum of Science, University of Coimbra
o 10.00 h – Panu Nykänen, Helsinki University of Technology,
How the History for engineers differs from the History for scientists – the exhibitions of HUT100
o 10.30 h – Roland Wittje, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
Reverberations from the 1930s: The Norwegian University of Science and Technology collections and the history of modern soundscape
o 11.00 h – Coffee-Break
* University Heritage as a Source for Communicating with Society II
Chair: Paulo Gama Mota, University of Coimbra (to be confirmed).
o 11.30 h – Diana Gasparon & Nathalie Nyst, Université Libre de Bruxelles,
A University Network around the Elephant Man
o 12 h – Rui J. Agostinho, Astronomical Observatory of Lisbon;
José P. d’Amorim & Pedro M. de Abreu, Technical University of Lisbon,
The astronomical instruments collection at the Astronomical Observatory of Lisbon
o 12.30 h – José Duarte Gorjão Jorge, Technical University of Lisbon,
Architecture of science/science of architecture
o 13 h – Lunch
* University Heritage: Current Dilemmas
Chair: Reet Mägi, Tartu University.
o 14.00 h – Cláudia Garradas & Lúcia Almeida Matos, University of Porto,
The Fine Arts Museum of the University of Porto: Current concerns and strategies
o 14.30 h – Judit Szilágyi, University of Debrecen,
The University Museum of Debrecen
o 15 h Stanisław Waltoś, Jagiellonian University Museum Krakow,
Changing faces of university museums
o 15.30 h – Stanisław Waltoś & Ewa Wyka, Jagiellonian University Museum Krakow,
Presentation of UNIVERSEUM 2008: University of Krakow (10 min)
o 15.45 h – Coffee-Break
* 16.15 h – Visits to the Museums of Science & National Museum of Natural History University of Lisbon
* 20.00 h – Dinner at Restaurante Trindade (Rua Nova da Trindade, 20-B) – Registration necessary before June 20th.
[Meeting point at the Museum of Science at 19.30 h]
Programme Committee
> Marta Lourenço, University of Lisbon
> Ana Simões, Centre for the History of Science, University of Lisbon
> Ana Eiró, Museum of Science, University of Lisbon
> Liba Taub, Cambridge University
> Sofia Talas, University of Padua
> Steven de Clercq, ICOM-UMAC
> Sébastien Soubiran, University of Strasbourg Louis Pasteur
> Paulo Gama Mota, University of Coimbra
> Manuel Janeira, University of Porto
Sunday, 8th July
Auditorium Manuel Valadares, MCUL
* 9.00 h Portuguese University Heritage
Chair: to be assigned
o 9.15 h – Ana Eiró, University of Lisbon,
The Heritage of the University of Lisbon
o 9.35 h – Luisa Fernandes, University of Porto,
The Heritage of the University of Porto
o 9.55 h – Paulo Gama Mota, University of Coimbra,
The Heritage of the University of Coimbra
o 10.15 h – Coffee Break
o 10.45 h – Discussion: Is there a future for university museums & collections in Portugal?
o 11.30 h – Universeum: What next? Preliminary results of the Reflection Group
Time for presentations is limited to 20 minutes, plus 10 minutes for discussion (unless stated otherwise).
Monday, 9th July
University of Coimbra
* 11.00 h Visits to: Museum of Science of the University of Coimbra (at the Laboratorio Chimico) Museum of Physics
* 13.00 h Break for lunch
* 15.00 h Visits to: King John Library & Grand Hall Botanical Garden and Museum
Download the programme here.
Tuesday, 10th July
University of Porto
* 10.00 h Visits to: Abel Salazar House Museum Museum of the History of Medicine
* 14.00 h Break for lunch
* 16.00 h Visits to: Museum of Science Museum of Natural History
Download the programme here.
The representatives of collections and museums of several European universitites assembled at Halle, on 16th April 2000, agreed to found a network, “Academic Heritage and Universities”. The network is open to interested academic institutions with similar collections and collaborates closely with other relevant initiatives. The objective of the network is to share knowledge and experiences among its members and to undertake joint projects with the aim of enhancing access to the collections at all levels.