DDR: Alte Bücher als Devisen-Quelle

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Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 17.05.1996, Nr. 114, S. 10

Briefe an die Herausgeber

Alte Bücher als Devisen-Quelle

Zu dem Artikel “Gezielte Ausplünderung der Kunst- und Antiquitätensammler” von Peter Jochen Winters (F.A.Z. vom 3. Mai) interessieren vielleicht noch zwei weitere Werkzeuge der Ausplünderung, welche die DDR durch Schalck-Golodkowski betreiben ließ:

In der Talstraße 29 in Leipzig bestand das sogenannte “Zentralantiquariat der
DDR”, jetzt GmbH. Dieses Zentralantiquariat zog alle Bibliotheken von in der DDR
enteigneten Privatpersonen oder Firmen sowie “Republikflüchtigen” an sich. Es
hatte auch Kommissare im Einsatz, die in jede Bibliothek (von Museen, Schulen,
Städten und so weiter) sowie in die wenigen noch privaten Antiquariate gingen,
dort Bücher für das Zentralantiquariat requirierten und selbst den – nur
geringen – Preis festsetzten. Das Zentralantiquariat, das nur mit Büchern und
Zeitschriften beschäftigt war, verkaufte zum Teil per Angebotskatalog in den
Westen, zum Teil holten westliche Großantiquariate die Bücher dort
lastwagenweise ab. […]

Gerd Hiersemann,

Anton Hiersemann Verlag, Stuttgart

CERL Thesaurus – an important personal names authority file


The CERL Thesaurus contains names of persons, corporate bodies, places and printers/publishers recorded in books or other material printed during the hand-press era (1450 – ca. 1830). Authority files contributed by CERL member libraries and other libraries/projects concentrating on the history of the book are brought together and made searchable in one single system. The CERL Thesaurus currently comprises 652,052 records (last update: 13th April 2007).

On the personal names: The largest contribution is the German national authority file for personal name headings, the Personennamendatei (PND) of the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek. The CERL Thesaurus contains those records that refer to persons who died before 1851; the records are regularly updated.

UK: Autobiography of Elizabeth Isham

Mr. Isaac Stephens is a PhD candidate in early modern British History whose dissertation, “In the Shadow of the Patriarch: Elizabeth Isham and her World in Seventeenth-Century Northamptonshire”, is a micro-history of a never-married woman named Elizabeth Isham. The foundation of the dissertation is a spiritual autobiography that Isham wrote circa 1640 which gives a rare and intimate look into the life of an early seventeenth-century gentlewoman. Recently, Mr. Stephens completed an annotated transcription of this autobiography:


The Diary of Roberto Murphy, 1887-1934

The SILAS website http://www.irlandeses.org has been refurbished and includes new contents. In addition to the latest and previous issues of “Irish Migration Studies in Latin America”, navigation is now easier and new pages have been added.

Among them, “The Diary of Roberto Murphy, 1887-1934” is now available to all visitors. The Diary is a scanned version of forty-seven annual volumes, including daily entries written by a landowner of Lobos, Buenos Aires province. Most of theses entries include five to ten hand-written lines recording ranch business, family news, visits, local affairs, travel reports and remarks about the weather, market prices, movements of neighbours or political upheavals. Cash accounts close every year, and miscellaneous materials like press clippings or notes are occasionally inserted with some entries. The digitisation and access system design were performed by Proyecto Patrimonio Historico, Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana “Dr. Emilio Ravignani” (Facultad de Filosofia y Letras), and Laboratorio de Sistemas Distribuidos Heterogeneos (Facultad de Ingenieria), of the University of Buenos Aires.


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