Sorry for the format. I have grabbed the code as recommended (but could’nt play it self from this entry …)
wmv-Format see http://www.blip.tv/file/205570
German version:
Sorry for the format. I have grabbed the code as recommended (but could’nt play it self from this entry …)
wmv-Format see http://www.blip.tv/file/205570
German version:
Why you’re crazy if you’re NOT submitting your LIS output to E-LIS
Benefits to using E-LIS over hosting it on your own server, website, etc.:
* The number one rule of data preservation is to store it in multiple locations, E-LIS is offering to do this for you for free. You can’t beat free!
* The server is in Italy. For non-European LIS professionals, that’s extreme disaster planning at its best!
* If you host your writings on your website, it’s very hard to track how many people are searching for your publications. E-LIS will keep track of the number of times people search for your document, for you.
* If you host your writings on your website, it’s very hard to know how many people have downloaded your work. E-LIS will keep track of the number of times your works are downloaded. I wish I had discovered E-LIS a long time ago just for this feature!
* Belonging to E-LIS means you are now part of an international community of LIS professionals. Instantly. For free. No association or conference is going to give you that… for free!
* You aren’t responsible for any webhosting duties, server maintenance, etc. The fine people at E-LIS take care of all of that. Just send them an email when you discover a problem and relax.
* Not sure if you’re capable of using the website? The E-LIS people made a tutorial for you to teach you. No more worries.
* Language isn’t an issue. Love the Europeans and their belief in the value of a multilingual world.
* Didn’t describe your conference presentation right during the submission process? No worries, the E-LIS volunteers for your geographical region will clean it up for you.
* They’re not snobs. Your presentation may not be conference worthy but the attendees of your Lunch and Learn liked it, so why not submit it?
Posted by Laurie on April 25th, 2007
Here is the download statistics of my “Oberschwäbische Adelsbibliotheken”:
This are the contributions on the subject “Archives”:
Das Bergarchiv Freiberg steht kurz vorm Umzug in ein neues Domizil. Nach über 300 Jahren in einem alten Gemäuer sollen die Dokumente ab 2008 im Schloss Freudenstein unterkommen. „50000 Kartons mit Akten, 4000 Kartenmappen und 6000 gerollte Risse sind bereits gepackt“, sagt der Leiter des Sächsischen Staatsarchivs – Bergarchiv Freiberg, Raymond Plache. […]
Knapp 100 neue Titel zum DigiWunschbuch wurden via RSS-Feed bekanntgemacht. Das Interface ist neu, aber leider vermisst man die Angabe der PURL (und auch sonst klappt nicht alles).
In den Medien findet sich der Hinweis, dass der Ex-Terrorist Peter-Josef Boock in den 90er Jahren des vorigen Jahrunderts auf seinen Freigängen im Archiv des Spiegels gearbeitet habe. Neben der Tagesaktualität stellen sich da berufsständisch andere Fragen.