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Canada: Freedom of Information and Copyright

Copyrighted Building Plans and Property Surveys

Requests from the public for copies of property surveys, building plans, structural/engineering/architectural drawings, reference plans, etc. are received in several City departments on a regular basis. All of these documents are protected by copyright and can not be copied without the consent of the owner of the copyright.

However, there is an exception to this rule. Copyright is not infringed upon if the copies are requested through the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Property surveys, building plans, structural/engineering/architectural drawings, etc. shall only be released/accessed with the registered property owner’s written permission.

Any member of the public who requests to view or receive a copy of a property survey, building plan, structural/engineering/architectural drawing, etc. shall be notified that:

* Property surveys, building plans, structural/engineering/architectural drawings, etc. held by the City of Barrie are protected by copyright;
* To obtain a copy, the requester should first contact the original surveyor or architect;
* In order to view a copyrighted record held by the City of Barrie, a requester must present a written permission letter from the registered property owner;
* In order to receive a copy of a copyrighted record, a requester must provide a written permission letter from the registered property owner and submit a written request under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act;
* The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act access request will follow the normal procedure.