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Harvard University – Secret Court Files 1920

Perkins 28: Testimony from the Secret Court Files of 1920 documents the testimony from 1920, when Harvard University convened a secret court to interview, charge and discipline students who were suspected of homosexuality.

Ein Film von Michael Van Devere.

In 1920, Harvard University convened a secret court to interview, charge and discipline students suspected of being homosexual.
Thirty-seven men testified before the court, including a tutor, an assistant professor, numerous Harvard students and several Boston men.
After two weeks of testimony, eight Harvard undergraduates were forced to withdraw, one of whom committed suicide.
Based on actual testimony and court documents, Perkins 28: Testimony from the Secret Court Files of 1920 dramatizes the closed-room trials, nine intense episodes of testimony before the court.

Filmed in April 2008 at the Guesthouse of the Monastery of the Society of Saint John the Evangelist in Cambridge, MA.

Premiere screening 0n November 17,

Übersetzung ? Instruction für Archivare aus dem XIV. Jhrdt.

Ist eine Übersetzung von unterstehendem Lateinischen Text bekannt? Erste Übersetzungergebnisse ins Niederländische wollen überprüft werden! Für Unterrichtszwecke.

Instruction für Archivare aus dem XIV. Jhrdt.
Neuer Anzeiger für Bibliographie und Bibliothekwissenschaft
Volume 1880 / 1880 / Issue April

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CALL FOR PAPERS FOR I-CHORA (4) Australia 2008

International Conference on the History of Records and Archives
Perth, Western Australia 3-5 August 2008.

Minority reports: Indigenous and Community Voices in Archives

The general theme of this conference explores issues relating to the history of recordkeeping by and about Indigenous peoples, migrant communities, minority communities, forgotten and disappeared communities. This includes historical and contemporary responses by these groups to recordkeeping by dominant communities. This conference also welcomes discussion on the impact and histories of the destruction of archives relating to the above communities and peoples, and the role of records in human rights contexts, including slavery and reconciliation.
We invite submissions of proposals for papers that report on original research into topics and themes that have not been widely discussed in the archival literature. Papers may treat any time period, any format and any national jurisdiction.

Topics might include, but are not limited to the following areas:
• Cultural provenance / virtual repatriation
• Collecting against the grain
• Representation and self representation
• Approaches to keeping cultural memory
• Expanding definitions of archives beyond traditional formats
• Reading traditional records to tell new stories
• Historical and contemporary approaches to outreach and access
• Absences and silences in archives and cultural institutions

We encourage cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives on issues relating to the scope of the conference.

Proposals may be for individual papers or for whole sessions which may consist of 2-3 papers and a panel discussion.

Papers by people from Indigenous, migrant, minority and forgotten communities are particularly welcome.

Proposals for papers
Abstracts should be approximately 300 words and in word or RTF format. All papers will be refereed.
Proposals should be sent to by 14 July 2007. We will advise on acceptance by the end of October 2007

The language of the conference is English.

I-CHORA (4) Conference Programme Committee
Joanna Sassoon (SROWA)
Karen Anderson (ECU)
Toby Burrows (UWA)
Carly Lane (UWA)
Michael Piggott (UMelb)
Kirsten Thorpe (SRNSW)
Adrian Cunningham (NAA)

This conference is timed to be directly after the ICA Congress in Kuala Lumpur, and just prior to the Australian Society of Archivists Conference, Perth, Western Australia 7-9 August 2008. A call for papers for the Australian Society of Archivists Conference will be made in a few months.
For further information in the meantime please contact Dr Karen Anderson

International Conference 2007 in Boston

The third International Conference on the History of Records and Archives (I-CHORA) will be held in Boston, Mass, September 27-29, 2007, hosted by the Massachusetts Historical Society.

For registration information and the preliminary program go and see

The theme of the conference will be the history of personal records and personal recordkeeping practices. This theme is intended to cover the full range of personal documents—including, for example, letters, diaries, journals, and scrapbooks—both as document types and as parts of recordkeeping systems that document personal life.

Organizing and Program Committee
Barbara Craig, University of Toronto
Philip Eppard. University at Albany, SUNY
Heather MacNeil, University of British Columbia
Brenda Lawson, Massachusetts Historical Society

On I-CHORA(2) see Der Archivar, Februar 2006:91-93.


Society of American Archivists

Political Pressure and the Archival Record
Edited by Margaret Procter, Michael G. Cook and Caroline Williams.

The 20 essays in this volume resulted from an important international conference held in 2003 at the Liverpool University Centre for Archive Studies in the United Kingdom.
The contributors come from a breadth of disciplines (history, archives, the law, social and anthropological sciences) and from a wide-ranging geographical area (Australia, Asia, Europe, Africa and North America).
Topics addressed include use of records as a tool of government; destruction of records as a political act; effects of corruption or ideology on the record; secrecy and accountability; and the nature and use of records resulting from repressive policies.

The book is now listed in the online SAA catalog.

Secret review / re-classification of documents
* * * * * * * * * *
The New York Times

February 21, 2006
U.S. Reclassifies Many Documents in Secret Review


In a seven-year-old secret program at the National Archives, intelligence agencies have been removing from public access thousands of historical documents that were available for years, including some already published by the State Department and others photocopied years ago by private historians.
The restoration of classified status to more than 55,000 previously declassified pages began in 1999, when the Central Intelligence Agency and five other agencies objected to what they saw as a hasty release of sensitive information after a 1995 declassification order signed by President Bill Clinton. It accelerated after the Bush administration took office and especially after the 2001 terrorist attacks, according to archives records.
But because the reclassification program is itself shrouded in secrecy — governed by a still-classified memorandum that prohibits the National Archives even from saying which agencies are involved — it continued virtually without outside notice until December. That was when an intelligence historian, Matthew M. Aid, noticed that dozens of documents he had copied years ago had been withdrawn from the archives’ open shelves.

(… … …)

* * * * * * *

see also
The National Security Archive
declassification in reverse
The National Archives responds …

Spanien: Salamanca papers

Civil War archive conflict worsens

“The Salamanca municipal government has refused to allow the trucks which were supposed to transport the 507 boxes of documents from the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) from Salamanca to Catalonia. Culture minister Carmen Calvo had announced that the transfer of the documents would take place on Thursday. The documents are claimed to have belonged to the wartime Catalan regional government, and Catalan nationalists have demanded that they be removed from the Civil War archive in Salamanca and taken to Barcelona. The Zapatero administration agreed to make the transfer, which has been opposed by the PP. Many Spaniards unsympathetic to the Catalan nationalists oppose as a matter of course anything the nationalists want. The situation has only worsened as the conflict has lengthened.”

The Spain Herald 19. Januar 2006

Siehe auch Archivalia 3. Januar 2005 ?p=30052
und 6. Januar 2005 ?p=30043

Das Archivwesen und die Langzeitarchivierung digitaler Objekte

“Building a digital archive” a Dutch Experience., by Peter Horsman.

In the latest RLG Diginews: “Two articles with a common theme, “Just Do It.” The Oregon and Rotterdam experiences in addressing digital preservation illustrate the strengths and the drawbacks of such an approach. They also underscore the importance of testing the limits of “conceptually strong” solutions through practical experience.”

RLG Diginews
Online newsletter for digital imaging and preservation
December 15, 2005. Volume 9, number 6.

ICA and the World Summit on the Information Society

In June 2005 The International Council on Archives published a “Position Paper for the World Summit on the Information Society” (WSIS Preparatory Committee 3), to be held in Tunis.

Now you can find the latest news on that :

Öffentlichkeit und Verwaltungstransparenz in Europa

Die ‘neue’ Version – seit einem Jahr schon – für die Zugang zu dem EU-Recht und den Datenbanken.

“Es bietet einen direkten, benutzerfreundlichen und kostenlosen Zugang zur weltweit größten Dokumentationsquelle für das Recht der Europäischen Union.”

Siehe z.B.
“Vorschlag für eine empfehlung des Rates über vorrangige Aktionen zur Stärkung der Zusammenarbeit im europäischen Archivwesen”

Was die französische Abkürzung DLM bedeutet – i.e. Données lisibles par machine – ist man in diesem Vorschlag schon vergessen: es liest : “=Document Lifecycle Management (Verwaltung des Dokumenten-Lebenszyklus)”.

Informationsfreiheit – und die Sprache der Burokratie


The very words by which official secrecy policy is formulated and carried out are often obscure to the outsider. They embody a latent knowledge of statute and regulation, policy and practice that cannot be inferred from the words themselves.

An excellent new publication helps “the outsider,” i.e. the ordinary citizen of the United States, to comprehend the vocabulary of government information policy, and to discover its genealogical roots in official documents. From “access” and “accountability” to “Yankee White” and “Xn,” author Susan Maret, an adjunct professor of library science at the University of Denver, provides a concise definition of terms as well as links to official sources.

Dr. Maret’s Lexicon is published for the first time on the FAS web site.
See “On Their Own Terms: A Lexicon with an Emphasis on Information-Related Terms Produced by the U.S. Federal Government” by Susan Maret, Ph.D., November 2005:

Bewertung – a practical guide

To all those concerned with appraisal: please take the time to read the ICA/CAP draft Manual on Appraisal and send your comments (in French or English) to Rosine Cleyet.

The Manual on Appraisal is conceived as a practical guide, aimed first and foremost at archivists faced with the daily problems of appraising and selecting documents, and who may not have been trained to do so.

To download:

Send your remarks to: Rosine Cleyet, chair ICA/CAP,

By: 30 JUNE 2005



“Mark your Calendars!”

The Third International Conference on the History of Records and Archives (I-CHORA 3) will be held in Boston, Massachusetts on 27-29 September 2007.
The Massachusetts Historical Society will host this third international conference.
The theme will be: “Personal Records and Recordkeeping Practices”.

A formal call for papers will be issued in early 2006.


International Conference … Amsterdam 2005

We invite you to visit the website. Read about the conference program and the abstracts of the papers presented.

The Universiteit van Amsterdam and the Archiefschool, the Netherlands Institute for Archival Education and Research, welcome you to Amsterdam for the Second International Conference on the History of Archives and Records, “Archival Affinities. Adapting and Adopting Archival Cultures”,
August 31st + September 1st + 2nd , 2005.

The 2005 conference focuses on intercultural and cross-national influences on record-keeping and archival theory, the dissemination and reception of theories and ideas on archives and record-keeping etc. Topics within this framework include:
• recordkeeping by colonizers and colonized, occupants and occupiers, etc.;
• post-colonial and post-communist recordkeeping in relation to former recordkeeping regimes;
• merging of indigenous and foreign theories, methodologies and practices;
• national influences on recordkeeping of international and multinational governmental and non-governmental organisations;
• records professionals and recordkeeping systems immigrating into other countries and cultures;
• cross-national networks of records professionals and archivistics scholars and their impact on globalisation of archival systems, theories and cultures.

The first I-CHORA conference took place in Toronto, October 2-4, 2003 (see

Go and see the 2005 conference website: