“Rainer Hering, Archives and historical research in a digital age. Problems and challenges
from the perspective of a German archivist and historian (p. 116–138)
The paper discusses the consequences for historical research of the use of digital data storage in administration and by private persons. The impact of the modern technologies on the users’ mentality and the consequences determining the quantity and quality of written records are discussed and the implications for archives and for the training of historians in university curricula are explored. The necessary continuation of archival source studies for 21st century
material has to be based on the cooperation between archives and historical research. ”
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Klaus Graf (8. August 2012). Rainer Hering, Archive und Geschichtswissenschaft im digitalen Zeitalter. Probleme und Herausforderungen aus der Sicht eines deutschen Archivars und Historikers. Archivalia. Abgerufen am 7. Oktober 2024 von