Quoting the mailing list EXLIBRIS:
The latest news concerning the Gerolamini library affaire which has been reported in the media, has resulted in ALAI, according to its statutes, suspending Luca Cableri (Studio Bibliografico Wunderkammer) from membership.
Furthermore we have been informed that others may be involved in the case, including non-ILAB booksellers Stephane Del Salle and Maurizio Bifolco. The Italian association invites all ILAB members who purchased material from these persons (or from Massimo De Caro) from Spring 2011 onwards to contact:
Colonello Raffaele Mancino (Mail from ALAI council)
Mail from Jennifer Lowe:
On October 3rd, four more individuals were arrested for alleged involvement in the De Caro scandal, and the investigation has made progress in determining their specific roles in the operation. According to the investigation, Father Sandro Marsano, 38, former curator of the Girolamini Library, would allow people identified by De Caro to select and take away the volumes; he has been placed under house arrest. In custody are three others: Stephane Delsalle, 38, a French citizen and an expert in antiquarian books, who would allegedly work with De Caro to select the most important titles to put on the market in Italy and abroad. Maurizio Bifolco, 65, of Rome, would allegedly sell the volumes to buyers and collect and distribute the proceeds among the suspects. Finally, Luca Cableri, 39, of Udine, proprietor of Studio Bibliografico Wunderkammer, is alleged to have targeted the auction house Zisska and Schauer as a seller through which to funnel hundreds of books purloined from the Girolamini. (You will recall that Zisska recalled these books before their sale.)
The Corriere del Mezzogiorno reported this here: http://corrieredelmezzogiorno.corriere.it/napoli/notizie/cronaca/2012/3-ottobre-2012/furto-all-biblioteca-girolamini-4-arresti-c-anche-sacerdote-2112082635692.shtml
Yesterday, La Repubblica Napoli reported that the investigation found that two volumes from the Girolamini Library (by Leon Battista Alberti and Giambattista Vico) had been transferred by De Caro to Senator Marcello Dell’Utri, known bibliophile and organizer of the Milan Antiquarian Book Fair.
Finally, today it was reported by TG1 Online that De Caro, during a visit to the National Library of Naples in his role as advisor to the Minister of Cultural Heritage, allegedly stole a copy of the Sidereus nuncius of Galileo, printed in 1610, and substituted a forgery in its place. This article also expands on the possible role of former curator Fr. Sandro Marsano in the plundering of the Girolamini. Marsano’s interrogation is scheduled for Monday.
Addendum by Lowe:
Il Mattino reports that De Caro has confessed to working with Stephane Delsalle to ransack other Italian libraries, including the library of Don Provolo of Verona from 1999-2000, the biblioteca capitolare di Padova between 2003 and 2005, the seminario di Verona in 2009 or 2010 and the Abbey of Montecassino on several occasions.
See here
OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren:
Klaus Graf (7. Oktober 2012). News on the Girolamini thefts in Naples. Archivalia. Abgerufen am 7. Februar 2025 von https://doi.org/10.58079/bl8t