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Klaus Graf (4. April 2018). Voynich-Manuskript: Künstliche Intelligenz konnte Rätsel nicht lösen. Archivalia. Abgerufen am 3. Dezember 2024 von
Cheshire behauptet das Voynich-Rätsel größtenteils gelöst zu haben:
“In 2017 the writing system of a Medieval manuscript known as MS408 was revealed to be proto-Romance: i.e. the origin of the Romance languages. In addition, it is written with a proto-Italic alphabet. It is the only known document of this kind and therefore has considerable linguistic importance.
Furthermore, the Manuscript was written by a nun belonging to a convent affiliated with the royal court of the Crown of Aragon, in 1444. There are many references to Christian and pagan/Roman beliefs, demonstrating a hybrid belief system in the Mediterranean during the 15th century.
Two papers have been issued, which explain the writing system and translate a number of excerpts as examples. They can be freely downloaded from the LingBuzz website.
Linguistic Missing Links:
Linguistically Dating and Locating MS408:“
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