IMLS DCC Beta Sprint Prototype

“The University of Illinois is excited to announce the launch of the new IMLS DCC Beta Sprint Prototype. This new prototype has been made possible through a grant from the DPLA.

The prototype can be found at:

The IMLS Digital Collection & Content aggregation brings together over 1700 cultural heritage collections from more than 1400 institutions across the U.S. The team’s DPLA Beta Sprint prototype builds on the IMLS DCC knowledge and experience aggregating metadata records from a diverse range of libraries, museums, archives, and historical societies. As part of the DPLA Launch exhibition, the new Beta Sprint Prototype showcases a number of new features: including refined retrieval algorithms and interleaved supplementary resources from the Flickr Commons and HathiTrust Books. The prototype also includes improved interaction with data through COinS (ContextObjects in Spans) and UnAPI to facilitate direct reuse of data for bookmarking, linking, and sharing through tools such as Mendeley, LibX, and Zotero.” (dpla-L)

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Klaus Graf (29. April 2013). IMLS DCC Beta Sprint Prototype. Archivalia. Abgerufen am 8. September 2024 von

Autor: Klaus Graf

Historiker und Archivar, Blogger

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