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UMich Request for Digitization Service

Lara Unger wrote me:

In fact, we frequently digitize materials for scholars in Europe, particularly music scores. We do have a limit per month per requestor, and how long it takes is dependent on what other projects are being worked on, vacations, etc. We can only digitize materials in the Public Domain and in OUR (University of Michigan Library) collection. If something is a rare book or manuscript or something else from one of the special collections on campus, whether we can digitize it is predicated by their approval (and mine).

It can take anywhere from a week to 4 or more weeks.

I have not seen any other programs like this, but then I am not generally searching for them either. :}
The University has plans to digitize the majority of the materials in its collections. This is why we can agree to not charge for the service, we are going to digitize it anyway, its just a question of when it gets in the queue. A patron request moves an volume up to the front of the line.

See also


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Klaus Graf (24. Juni 2013). UMich Request for Digitization Service. Archivalia. Abgerufen am 19. Februar 2025 von

Autor: Klaus Graf

Historiker und Archivar, Blogger

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