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Zwei renommierte kanadische Medizin-Verlage von dubioser indischer Firma OMICS übernommen

“Two of Canada’s most prestigious publishing houses for medical journals have been quietly bought up by an international publisher that is being sued by the U.S. government to stop it from printing what amounts to junk science for profit, a CTV News/Toronto Star investigation has learned.

The takeovers have sent shock waves through the medical research community and put more than a dozen journals at risk of being delisted on PubMed, the gold standard for trustworthy, peer-reviewed scholarship. […]

OMICS Group, an online publishing house for academic journals based in Hyderabad, India, purchased the Canadian medical publisher Andrew John Publishing last winter and added a second, Pulsus Group, in June.”

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Zum US-Verfahren gegen OMICS:

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Klaus Graf (29. September 2016). Zwei renommierte kanadische Medizin-Verlage von dubioser indischer Firma OMICS übernommen. Archivalia. Abgerufen am 12. Februar 2025 von

Autor: Klaus Graf

Historiker und Archivar, Blogger

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