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Heiliger Hexen-Inquisitor

In September 1752, Serra filed a report to the Spanish Inquisition in Mexico City from Jalpan, on “evidences of witchcraft in the Sierra Gorda missions.” He denounced several Christian non-Indians who lived in and around the mission for “the most detestable and horrible crimes of sorcery, witchcraft and devil worship… If it is necessary to specify one of the persons guilty of such crimes, I accuse by name a certain Melchora de los Reyes Acosta, a married mulattress, an inhabitant of the said mission… In these last days a certain Cayetana, a very clever Mexican woman of said mission, married to one Pérez, a mulatto, has confessed — she, being observed and accused of similar crimes, having been held under arrest by us for some days past — that in the mission there is a large congregation of [Christian non-Indians], although some Indians also join them, and that these persons,…flying through the air at night, are in the habit of meeting in a cave on a hill near a ranch called El Saucillo, in the center of said missions, where they worship and make sacrifice to the demons who appear visibly there in the guise of young goats and various other things of that nature… If such evil is not attacked, the horrible corruption will spread among these poor [Indian] neophytes who are in our charge.”

So die englischsprachige Wikipedia. Der Brief ist spanisch-englisch in der Werkausgabe Serras 1955 bei HathiTrust online. Junípero Serra, der “Apostel von Kalifornien”, wurde im September 2015 heiliggesprochen – ungeachtet vieler Proteste, die insbesondere von den Nachkommen der von Serra missionierten Indianer kamen.


Petra - Mallorca - Mission San Carlos Borroeo de Carmelo.jpg
Petra – Mallorca – Mission San Carlos Borroeo de Carmelo” by H. Zell – Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

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Klaus Graf (21. Dezember 2015). Heiliger Hexen-Inquisitor. Archivalia. Abgerufen am 13. Januar 2025 von

Autor: Klaus Graf

Historiker und Archivar, Blogger

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