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Proquest hat es übertrieben

“Proquest unleashed a major storm of outrage this week, first canceling and then restoring the Renaissance Society of America’s EEBO subscription. Ellen Wexler covered the story for the Chronicle, and her piece contains good comments by Bethany Nowviskie, among others. Wesley Raabe asked librarians or scholars to consider posting their institutional purchase costs, to provide some transparency in EEBO pricing. Mitch Fraas pointed out the Hathi Trust ESTC collection, which currently contains more than 10,000 scanned titles. John Overholt, writing on Medium, argues “Together, we can FrEEBO,” maintaining—quite correctly—that even with the walkback, “we ought to take this as a wakeup call. There is literally no reason for these centuries-old books to be the monopoly of a commercial publisher who owns not a single one of them.” Let’s make it happen.”

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Klaus Graf (2. November 2015). Proquest hat es übertrieben. Archivalia. Abgerufen am 11. Februar 2025 von

Autor: Klaus Graf

Historiker und Archivar, Blogger

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