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Unglaublich: Haftstrafe für unbefugtes Insnetzstellen – Colombia’s version of the Aaron Swartz tragedy?

“Einem kolumbianischen Studenten droht eine Haftstrafe, weil er eine wissenschaftliche Arbeit – anscheinend eine Masterarbeit – auf Scribd veröffentlicht hat, ohne die entsprechenden Rechte zu besitzen. Die Umstände beschreibt der Student in einem Blogposting selbst. Dagegen geht die Electronic Frontier Foundation nun auf die Barrikaden und ruft gemeinsam mit der Creative Commons, Right to Research Coalition und Open Access Button zur Zeichnung einer Open-Access-Petition auf.”
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Der Vorwurf vom Beschuldigten selbst referiert:

“Three years ago, through a Facebook group in which I participated along with many others interested in the amphibian and reptile studies, I came across with a master’s thesis that was crucial to identify some amphibians I found in my field visits to some protected areas in the country. To access this information, it was necessary to travel to a library in Bogota. At that time, however, I thought it was something that could be of interested for other groups, so I shared it on the web. Although I was not the first or the only one (the document was in several sites already), for sharing knowledge –recognizing the authorship–, now the author advances a criminal case against me for “violation of economic rights and related rights.” I was told that this could result in jail sentence of 4 to 8 years.

In a few months my life has changed. Now I’m learning about hearings, accusations, lawsuits and lawyers; I am very concerned and puzzled. Above all, I’m disconcerted that this activity I did for academic purposes may be considered a crime, turning me into a “criminal.” Today what the vast majority of the country’s researchers and conservationists are doing, despite being committed to spreading knowledge, is turning us into criminals.”
(aus den Kommentaren dort das englische Zitat im Titel)

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Klaus Graf (19. September 2014). Unglaublich: Haftstrafe für unbefugtes Insnetzstellen – Colombia’s version of the Aaron Swartz tragedy? Archivalia. Abgerufen am 13. Januar 2025 von

Autor: Klaus Graf

Historiker und Archivar, Blogger

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