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Keine im eigentlichen Sinn archivfachliche Veranstaltung; trotzdem möge der Hinweis auf die Präsenz von ERPANET an der IFLA 2003 in Berlin an dieser Stelle erlaubt sein:

World Library and Information Congress: 69th IFLA General Conference and Council
Berlin, 1-9 August 2003

ERPANET is pleased to announce its participation in IFLA 2003. It will participate:

* in the IFLA Workshop on the Information Technology and Preservation and Conservation on the 7th of August 2003; and,
* by presenting at the European Commission’s DigiCULT Stand on Wednesday the 6th of August 2003.

IFLA Workshop—Topic & Programme

The overall theme of IFLA 2003 is Access Point Library: Media – Information – Culture. ERPANET Director Dr. Seamus Ross will participate in a collaborative workshop featuring presentations by international digital preservation specialists.

Information Technology and Preservation and Conservation
Date and Time: Thursday 7 August (08:30 – 12:30)
Venue: International Congress Centre in Berlin

Presentation at DigiCULT Stand

His presentation at the DigiCULT stand will describe ERPANET ‘s achievements and services. The presentation will conclude with a discussion with participants about the ways they can benefit from and contribute to the work of ERPANET.
The presentation will take place on Wednesday the 6th of August 2003 between 11 am and 12 pm. The European Commission’s DigiCULT Stand 61-64 is located in Hall 2.

Further information

Information about the programme, speakers, social programme, and registration can be found online.

OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren:
Richterb (21. Juli 2003). ERPANET at IFLA 2003. Archivalia. Abgerufen am 11. Februar 2025 von

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