Nach dem Seminar/Workshop in Lissabon kann ich sogleich die nächste (zeitlich aber frühere) Veranstaltung von ERPANET ankündigen, den Workshop zu Trusted Digital Repositories, Rom, 17.-19. November 2003.
Ein kurzer Ueberblick über das Programm:
- opening: 17th November 9:30
- an examination of the issues related to quality standards for creating digital resources in different technological, format domains (texts, databases, audiovisual, imaging, multimedia), and disciplines. Especially where these issues impact on the development and delivery of digital repositories.
- achieving the maximum potential scientific, economic and social benefits from public investments in organising and maintaining a long-term digital repositories, specifically by defining the nature of the actions required for capture
- examining policies, methods and procedures required for storage repositories with a special focus on design/implementation, documentation and metadata definition, workflow model, preservation strategies and tools, certification and auditing
- successfully implementing scientific, technical, management, and policy considerations
- exploring perspectives across different disciplines, emerging technologies and applications via case studies
- closing: 19th November, 18:00
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Richterb (17. September 2003). ERPANET-Workshop Rom: Trusted Digital Repositories. Archivalia. Abgerufen am 9. Februar 2025 von