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Open Access Anecdote

A lot of literature on Open Access is published in online-journals only available for subcribers. Would’nt it be a good idea if scholars send requests to the authors for a private copy and asking them to considerate to put the article in an Open Access Archive?

What will happen if you are trying to do so?

* You will receive a copy quickly. That can be called the HAPPY END case.

* The author will ignore requests from scholars unkown to him or by other reasons (I know what I am speaking of …)

* An interesting mail correspondence will begin like the following …

(Reminders by me omitted.)

29 August 2004

Thanks for your request and interest in my article on copyrights in the journal […]. Today being a Sunday, I am checking my mails at home and will be able to send you may paper tomorrow- when I get to my office.

Secondly- how did you get this email Id of mine.

Please send your mails to […] in which I check always. Hotmail account is an old one of mine and I check that only occassionally
Thanks and regards

31 August 2004

I am sorry I could no respond sooner…I go busy…and need to dig the final version of the paper. I will send I across positively tomorrow

6 September 2004

I am so sorry…
I am right now in China for a coference…got busy with my preparatins for the China visit…I will certainly do the necessary thing ( I am pretty sure that Emerald agreement allows for that..let me check) Sorry once again…
I will definitely do it…
In case you do not hear from me till September 17, you can send me anotehr reminder…

28 September 2004

Thanks for reminding. Prelim enquiry reveals that while I am allowed to deposit in my own institutional repository, I may not be allowed to deposit on an external one. Anyways, Emerald is still not sent me a official yes/no response. I am waiting for one.
I will let you know shortly
Thanks and regards

Of course to send a copy to you – there are no issues. I will send you one tomorrow, positively ( I am sorry…about this. My laptap on which I had the copy, had some virus and it is now being cleaned up, hence tomorrow.

To be continued …

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Klaus Graf (6. Oktober 2004). Open Access Anecdote. Archivalia. Abgerufen am 10. Februar 2025 von

Autor: Klaus Graf

Historiker und Archivar, Blogger

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