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Finding E-Books
“Free Public Domain and Copyrighted e-Books Online”
By Sam Vaknin

“By far the largest and best maintained index is John Ockerbloom’s
Online Books page, with well over 20,000 individual items listed
< >. It offers links to new books
almost daily < >. Browsing
through this index is bound to get you virtually everywhere. There is
rarely a (legal) book online that is not listed here”

This is not true.

1. OBP has 20,000+ free books 60,000+

It is recommended to use both listings. Example: keyword metaphor brings 6 books (OBP 4, DBI 5).

2. There are some large collections (and a lot of small collections) NOT in the OBP (nor in the DBI).

Examples of large collections with English books not in the OBP
800+ titles

OHIOLINK Brittle Books
400+ titles

UMich Digital General Collection;cc=genpub

Hundreds of items.

OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren:
Klaus Graf (15. Juli 2005). Finding E-Books. Archivalia. Abgerufen am 15. Februar 2025 von

Autor: Klaus Graf

Historiker und Archivar, Blogger

8 Gedanken zu „Finding E-Books“

  1. Mail to the Book People List: How to find Google Books It is well known that there are serious problems with the search
    function and the metadata of Google Book Search. My question to Book
    People is: Which other ways do you know to find Google Books?

    I recently found that U of Indiana library has 3500+ GBS titles in its catalog.

    We have already discussed here on UMich’s MBooks program. See also:

    Private link lists
    very large!

    Harvesting Google Print

    GOOPFIC collection

    Project Runeberg

    Link list on bible, judaism and christianity

    Women writings in German

    Bibliothek des Litterarischen Vereins in Stuttgart

  2. Free Ebooks in LIBRIS (Sweden) Over 5000 free Ebooks are in

    Some Sources (courtesy of Jan Szczepanski, Goteborgs Univ Bib, who has catalogued them)

    Fritt tillgänglig via Union acadâemique internationale
    Corpus vasorum antiquorum
    Summa: 238 fria e-böcker 5.4-7.4

    Digitale Bibliothek, Münchener Digitalisierungszentrum
    Summa: 74 fria e-böcker

    Fritt tillgänglig via Proceedings of the British Academy vol. 51 onwards
    Summa: 48 fria e-böcker

    Fritt tillgänglig via Human Rights Watch
    Summa: 288 fria e-böcker 28.3-18.4.06

    Fritt tillgänglig via RAND Corporation
    Summa: 144 fria e-böcker 30.1.-1.2.06

    Fritt tillgänglig via Cornell University Library Historical monographs collection
    Summa: 81 fria e-böcker 9.2-10.2.06 Historical math monographs
    Summa: 240 fria e-böcker 6.2-14.206

    Fritt tillgänglig via IDEAS. History of Economic Thought Books, McMaster University Archive for the History of Economic Thought
    Summa: 304 fria e-böcker 23.2-8.3.06

    Fritt tillgänglig via Brookings Institution Press
    Summa: 123 fria e-böcker 20.3-21.3..06

    Fritt tillgänglig via Council on Library and Information Resources
    Summa: 85 fria e-böcker 16.3.-20.3.06

  3. News from the Online Book Page Mail to the Book People Mailing list

    > More details on the news page
    > (

    Thanks for this step forward.

    I think that is’nt enough.

    1) All OBP entries should be available via OAI-PMH. Thus harvester
    like OAIster can add entries for books which are located on servers
    which are not offering itself an OAI interface.

    If you do so please make sure that your entries are really Open Acess.
    For the background of this request feel free to read

    2) All OBP entries should have data in MARC format that library
    catalogs can use them.

    3) Stable URLs are fine but no persistant identifiers. Please
    cooperate with a library or another corporation to make sure that they
    get persistant like or the URNs.

    Let me say something to the alternatives of the OBP. I refer to my entry at

    There are large collections outside of OBP and all book people should
    know more on the alternatives to OBP. OBP isn’t the one-stop-solution
    as you can read on thousands of websites.

    I think few people know the fine working meta-search at Buffalo (including the OPB, I
    have just tried searching for the keyword chirugie with success)

    You can also use OAIster finding Open Access books and you can now
    build a meta-search including OAIster meta-data, see

    You can use the new Australian libraries portal to find toll access
    and free ebooks worldwide by using the free “Online” limit

    (Please note that most German libraries do not have access to OCLC
    WorldCat in which you can also limit your search on ebooks.)

    You also would have a fine way to find toll access AND free ebooks if
    Toronto University Libraries wouldn’t be stupid enough to block the
    access also to Open Access ressources when you use their e-resources
    search interface:

    Example: Making of Modern America (UMich) isn’t toll access but you
    have to extract the handle-URL from the following string to get
    immediate access

    Toronto is listing, UMich and some other free sources and
    its own fine collection (800+ books, as far as I know NOT in OBP) at

    Unfortunately since May 19th 2005 only two new item were added, see

    My knowledge of other local OPAC search possibilities is very limited.
    You might wish to know that RIT library has put a great bulk of OPB
    entries in its catalog, see e-content finder at

    There is also a stable URL see e.g. for a project Gutenberg work:

    Please send me hints to other OPACs with large numbers of catalogued
    free e-resources from several sources (ebooks, not e-journals – the
    fine Göteborg work of Jan Szczepanski is another topic). Thank you!

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