39. PLUTARCHUS. Moralia. Opuscula (quae quidem extant) omnia,
undequaque collecta, & diligentissime iampridem recognita (Various
translators). Basel: Andreas Cratander, September 1530. $4500
Folio, [18], 249, [1] leaves; Cratander’s woodcut device designed by Hans
Holbein the Younger on title and last leaf [see Christian Müller, Hans Holbein. Die
Druckgraphik im Kupferstichkabinett Basel, No. 128]; numerous ornamental initials
from several Holbein alphabets [Müller, nos. 146, 148, and 153]; first page of text
(A1r) within Holbein’s ‘Bauerntanz’ metal-cut border [Müller, no. 43], with the
upper section repeated on fol. Ff1r, and the lower on Kk3v and Nn4v; several
wood- and metal-cut headpieces, including the ‘Bacchanal’ by Hans Franck on
fol. Tt2r.
LACTANTIUS, Lucius Caelius Firmianus. Divinarum institutionum libri VII.
De ira Dei liber I. De opificio Dei liber I, etc. Basel: A. Cratander & J. Bebel, January
1532. [10], 149, [1] leaves. Cratander’s woodcut printer’s device on title, with
Bebel’s at the end, both designed by Hans Holbein the Younger [Müller, nos. 128
and 131]; numerous woodcut initials, mostly from Holbein’s ‘Kinderalphabet’
[Müller, no. 157]; first page of text (a1r) within Holbein’s ‘Bauerntanz’ metal-cut
border [Müller, no. 43]. The two works bound together in contemporary panelled
calf, covers with two ornamental blind tooled borders with gilt ornamental
fleuron tools stamped at corners, central floral tool at center; gilt stamped
monogram ‘TASEA’ on upper cover, paper label to spine. Early ownership
inscription on front pastedown of P[hilip] Tengnagel and on the first title-page
(Lactantius) is the ownership signature of Gregorius Tengnagell; on the second
title-page (Plutarch) is the ownership inscription “Swallembergi et amicorum”
[see below]; small stamp of the Donaueschingen Library (faded) in lower margin
of Lactantius title-page and verso, as well on the last leaf of Plutarch; early
marginalia in both works; early two-line vertical titling on fore-margins: ‘LACT.
PLV/TARC.’ some binding wear. PROVENANCE: Philip and Gregory
Tengnagel were both lawyers in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries; the
scattered marginal annotations in both works are presumably in their hands. The
Tengnagel library was left to the Court Library at Donaueschingen (see above).
The stamp ‘TASEA’ on the front cover, in combination with the inscription on the
title-page of the Plutarch (“Swallembergi et amicorum”) may be interpreted to
stand for “Tengnagel ad Swallembergem et amicos”.
Fine copy in its original binding of two important classical editions, both
handsomely decorated with elements from the work of Hans Holbein the
I. Third, but hitherto most complete Latin edition of Plutarch’s Moralia, in the
versions by the greatest lights of Renaissance humanism, including Poliziano,
Guarino, Erasmus, Budé, Pirkheymer, Melanchthon, et al.
This Basel edition incorporates for the first time several new translations by
Erasmus and Ottmar Nachtigall (Luscinius, 1487-1537), which the first two
editions (printed in Paris by Badius, 1514 and 1526) did not include.
The texts were edited by Cratander himself, whose preface to the reader,
dated September 1530, bemoans the decline of classical education. To contribute
to the revival of the culture Cratander states that he has set out to print the best
texts of Greek and Roman antiquity, including these famous essays of Plutarch,
in the purest Latin versions available; among these he singles out those of
Erasmus, several of which are here added for the first time.
II. First folio Cratander edition (preceded by two smaller format quartos in
1521 and 1524) of the works of the Christian apologist Lactantius (c. 240-c. 320),
the elegance of whose style made him a favorite author of the Renaissance and
earned him the title ‘Christian Cicero.’
This edition includes a 9-page appendix consisting of a glossary of all Greek
terms found in the works of Lactantius.
§ Plutarchus: VD 16, P 3676; Hieronymus, Griechischer Geist aus Basler Pressen,
no. 95; Lactantius: VD 16, L 40.
See also
Update Dec. 2015:
Josef Nolte: Herkunft und Rolle der älteren Juridica in der Donaueschinger Hofbibliothek.
In: Josef Engel (Hrsg.): Mittel und Wege früher Verfassungspolitik 1, Stuttgart
1979, S. 456-472
Philipp died not after 1626, see
Stadtarchiv Erfurt
1626 Februar 18.
Rat und Schöffen der Stadt Gent bezeugen, dass Josse von Hertoghe, Brabantischer Rat, und seine Genossen, durch die Schwestern Lucia, Gemahlin des M. de Hertoghe, geb. Tengnagel, und Margarete Tengnagel, ein Erbschaftsrecht haben auf die Schuldforderung von 3000 Thlr., die der verstorbene Kaiserliche Rat Philipp Tengnagel, deren Bruder, an die Stadt Erfurt hatte.
M. de Hertoghe is Marc
OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren:
Klaus Graf (25. September 2007). Tengnagel Book from Donaueschingen. Archivalia. Abgerufen am 19. Februar 2025 von https://doi.org/10.58079/bzgl