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A Stronger Post-Publication Culture Is Needed for Better Science

Bastian H (2014) A Stronger Post-Publication Culture Is Needed for Better Science. PLoS Med 11(12): e1001772.

“These days the system does not keep up well with the speed of activity and the volume of research from a vast community. Articles are, by and large, too uncorrectable and unconnected [5], and much significant intellectual effort is not captured at all. Substantive discussions in journal clubs, in email lists, in social media, and at conferences are not distilled into a concise, permanent, accessible record. Most of the unaddressed content of pre-publication peer review is also lost.

Post-publication evaluation is highly fragmented.”

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Klaus Graf (3. Januar 2015). A Stronger Post-Publication Culture Is Needed for Better Science. Archivalia. Abgerufen am 11. Februar 2025 von

Autor: Klaus Graf

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