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Prüfungsarbeiten: in Schweden kein totes Kapital mehr?

Every year tens of thousands of Swedish university students spend many million hours researching and writing their final theses. The end result – all the essays – is a knowledge resource of great weight. However, up until quite recently, it was common that the finished essays where stored away in the darkest corners of the university libraries, where no-one would ever find them.

This problem led way to the Swedish website The website was launched in 2004, with the goal to become a knowledge platform that could bridge the knowledge-gap between university students, schools and companies in Sweden.

Ein Anti-Pagiatssystem in Schweden nennt sich übrigens “Urkund”:

Zum Thema Prüfungsarbeiten:

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Klaus Graf (16. November 2007). Prüfungsarbeiten: in Schweden kein totes Kapital mehr? Archivalia. Abgerufen am 14. Januar 2025 von

Autor: Klaus Graf

Historiker und Archivar, Blogger

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