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Digital Libraries in Japan with content in western languages give some information on digitization efforts in Japan.

There is are a lot of unknown digitization projects in Japan which are making works available in Western languages. Since years I am collecting these projects with special focus on rare books before 1800 at

But nobody takes notice of this link list and I do not know any other comparable link list available in a western language.

Here is an updated list of digital collections I know (please take into account that I cannot read Japanese)

Doshisha University
Digital archive of rare materials
Plaese note that also the departments have rare materials in foreign languages digitized.

Gunma University
Repository (DSpace)
Some works (browse by date, oldest first)

Hitotsubashi University
The Burt Franklin Collection
Works in French.

Keio University
Only Gutenberg bible and Gesner’s Thierbuch complete online
– Repository
4 Kulmus works

Kyoto University
Some rare books.

Kyushu University
It seems that only the Grotius is complete online.

Osaka City University
400+ books! See (in German)

Toin University
Savigny Library
Some rare books, see (in German)

University of Tokyo
Books of Mori Ogei
The books are not completely digitized but unfortunately only the pages with Ogei marginalia.

Center for Research on Pictorial Cultural Resources, University Tokyo
Image databases (Piranesi etc). Links of the English version don’t work.

Digital Archive of Toyo Bunko Rare Books
Some works.

Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
C-DATS Digital Library
Including at least one work before 1800

Tsukuba University
Digital Collections – Rare Books
Large (hundreds of books)
Click on this sign to see the digital books.

Waseda University
Search the OPAC, e.g.*&l=&m=v&searchscope=12&Da=&Db=&SORT=D

There might be some other stuff I don’t know!

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Klaus Graf (1. Januar 2008). Digital Libraries in Japan with content in western languages. Archivalia. Abgerufen am 17. Februar 2025 von

Autor: Klaus Graf

Historiker und Archivar, Blogger

2 Gedanken zu „Digital Libraries in Japan with content in western languages“

  1. Very unpolite and unhelpfulJapanese Libraries I have mailed to most of the mentioned digital libraries if they know other projects but the only reaction was that I received a mail that my picture was a copyright violation. (It was legal according quotation right, I think, but I have removed it.)

    1. Japanese libraries Hi,

      I am contacting you to see if you have a personal, academic book collection on either Ancient or Modern Japan. I have been looking for free materials on the net for more than a year and have found that some of the most general authors are not available even as works for research on sites that require hundreds of dollars to use.

      If you have a personal library, whether printed or digital, perhaps you would like to trade books with me. I don’t know if you are looking to develop your collection, assuming that you have one, however most of the links provided on library sites contain works without copyright that are of little value to the researcher.

      I guess it would be like asking your public librarian if she knew where the academic section of the library were (you know, all the books that have copyright on them and that are technical in nature) and her pointing you to a section of books published in the 1800’s. It’s just so insulting.

      If you know of any place on the net where I might find technical, acaedmic, up-to-date ebooks on Japan, I would very much be interested in acquiring that information from you. And, again, if you would consider trading ebooks with me, that too would be of interest. If you have a printed collection, perhaps you would be willing to scan a book or two on my behalf in exchange for several ebooks, considering the fact that scanning would take so much more time and effort.

      You can contact me at
      Thank you.

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