After the “human and cultural” catastrophe of March 3rd 2009 – the collapse of the Cologne Historical Archive’s Building (GoogleNews) – an initiative called The Digital Historical Archive Cologne (unfortunately only in German until now) was launched. People are asked to search for photographies, copies and (micro-)films of archival material from the collections of the Cologne Historical Archive. Documents can be uploaded on the website itself.
Furthermore it is possible to support the archive by donating:
For the rescue of archival collections
Recipient: Freunde des historischen Archivs der Stadt Köln e.V. [Society of the Friends of the Historical Archive of the City of Cologne]
Account-Nr.: 1900458959, Bank-Code: 370 501 98, Bank: Sparkasse KölnBonn
Keyword: “Rettung Archiv”
The Society of the Friends of the Historical Archive of the City of Cologne will certificate donations.
For support of persons affected
Recipient: Stadt Köln, Kontonummer: 190 319 0419
Bank: Stadtsparkasse Köln-Bonn, Bankleitzahl: 370 501 98
Keyword: Severin
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Klaus Graf (7. März 2009). PLEASE HELP to diminish the catastrophe of the Cologne Historical Archive! Archivalia. Abgerufen am 17. Februar 2025 von