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Inkunabeln der Senate House Library, University of London

Artikel über die Katalogisierung der ca. 130 Stücke

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Nr. 45
ULL copy purchased from G. David, 29 Dec. 1953, £12.0s.0d. Armorial bookplate on front paste-down: Ex libris Liechtensteinianis (i.e. of Franz Josef II, Prince of Liechtenstein).

Nr. 53
ULL copy purchased 21 Mar. 1961 from Maggs, £40.0s.0d. Label on top left corner of front pastedown: Ex libris Jacobj Manzoni. Inscriptions: Ioannes Crisonman[?] VVV ex dono M. Choris[?] Wm haec autor, me possidet; H[e]nrij Aspacensis (16th-cent. hands, both t.p.); In usum F.F. Aspacensium (16th-cent. hand, head of A2r; pertains to Benedictine monastery at Asbach an der Rott, Bavaria); Cosmo Gordon (front pastedown).

Nr. 64
ULL copy is from the London Institution. Inscription at head of first leaf of text: Canon Regul. V. Corporis Chri. Coloniae.

Nr. 85
ULL copy is from the library of Sir Edwin Durning-Lawrence, purchased as lot 92 from Sotheby sale, 5 Dec. 1907, £1.3s.0d. Label of Georgius Kloss. Inscriptions on leaf pi1r of Hieronimus Eyselm de Mindelhaim (with motto) and of Johannes Schnapper, Gringorf[?], 1681. With marginal markings, underlinings and Latin annotations in early hands; some annotations partly lost through cropping.

Nr. 110:
ULL copy purchased 2 Jan. 1958 from Francis Edwards, £16.0s.0d, and presented in memory of Sir Edwin Deller. Purchased. Stamps of the Domus Gorheim, Soc. Jesu. T.p. inscription in early hand: “Pro Conventu Frommersbergensi Fratrum Minorum strict. observ[an]l[ic]e”, i.e. of the Franciscan covent in Fremersberg, near Sinsheim village, near Baden, Germany.

(Frdl. Hinweis von Falk Eisermann.)

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Klaus Graf (2. Mai 2009). Inkunabeln der Senate House Library, University of London. Archivalia. Abgerufen am 15. Februar 2025 von

Autor: Klaus Graf

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