January 14, 2010 – CLOCKSS is pleased to announce that it has
partnered with BioMed Central, the world’s largest open access
publisher, to preserve over 60,000 articles in CLOCKSS’s
geographically and geopolitically distributed network of redundant
archive nodes, located at 12 major research libraries around the
world. […]
By archiving with CLOCKSS,
BioMed Central ensures that its open access articles remain open
access forever. If necessary, CLOCKSS will make this content
available, under a creative commons license, for free to all scholars
around the world.
CLOCKSS (Controlled LOCKSS) is a not for profit joint venture between the world’s leading scholarly publishers and research libraries whose mission is to build a sustainable, geographically distributed dark archive with which to ensure the long-term survival of Web-based scholarly publications for the benefit of the greater global research community.
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Klaus Graf (14. Januar 2010). BioMed Central joins CLOCKSS to archive its open access articles. Archivalia. Abgerufen am 3. Dezember 2024 von https://doi.org/10.58079/btan