We have just finished implementing what we are calling “Digitize and Download”. Listening to feedback from our customers, many people only wanted the digital file, not a paperback or hardcover copy of a book. In the past, the digital file was only available after a book was digitized and a reprint of that book was created.
Now with the new “Digitize and Download” model you can order just the digital file. The cost is the same as a soft cover book $20, but you save big on the shipping costs, and we’ll all save a few trees in the process. In many cases shipping costs which is out of our control far exceed the cost of the book.
Here is how it works:
1. Find a book you’d like to purchase
2. Under the “options” section for that book select “Digitize and Download +$18.05” (Total cost = $20.00) and finish the checkout process.
3. We then send the request to the library partner to Pull and Digitize your book.
4. Once that is completed (3-4 weeks typically) you will receive a link to the email address supplied during the checkout process, providing you with a link to your book.
5. Once a book is digitized the future download price is $1.95 with instant access.
Help us spread the word!
Tell your friends and associates, that you can now order a digital copy of any book on http://KirtasBooks.com.
OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren:
Klaus Graf (30. Januar 2010). Kirtas offers “Digitize and Download” for 20 US-Dollars. Archivalia. Abgerufen am 7. Februar 2025 von https://doi.org/10.58079/bt5w