“I wonder how many other authors hadn’t thought about their chapters being included in Google Books?”
I had thought on it since the first coverage of the Settlement and made a suggestion that authors should make their “inserts” (this is the name of such contributions in the Settlement language) Open Access.
See in English
See in German
?p=22088#comments (2009, March 22)
Rainer Kuhlen speaker of the Urheberrechtsbündnis has spoken with Google on this topic. The Urheberrechtsbündnis is aware of the fact that in most cases German authors are copyright owner of their book chapters (§ 38 UrhG = German Copyright Act).
I think due to publisher’s lobbyism there will be only an opt-out for “inserts” in Google Book Search but no an Open Access possibility like in the books case.
Please remember that I was able to make two books of mine free in Google Book Search (in the frame of the “partner” program of Google). I did not send PDFs or books to Google – Google used the scanned books of the library program. I also made the two books free in HathiTrust.
Every author who is rights holder (concerning at least the online rights) can TODAY decide to make its books free in HathiTrust if there are copies in HathiTrust. After some days and few mail exchange and a permission fax they are gratis OPEN ACCESS.
I hope that in the near future all authors which are rights holders will have the same possibility like me to make their scanned books FREE in Google.
For “inserts”/book chapters I have not tried the following: Become a Google Book Search Partner (like me) and send Google offprints or PDFs of your articles. (If you can use publisher’s PDF is a question of contract and national law.)
Tired of Harnadian Open Access orthodoxy (mandates, request buttons, IR not Central repositories and the whole other boring shit)? USE GOOGLE AS THE OPEN ACCESS “REPOSITORY” OF YOUR CHOICE!
HathiTrust: “we don’t have any way right now to open access to individual chapters or “inserts”.”
OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren:
Klaus Graf (3. Februar 2010). Heather Morrison: Google Books settlement: open access to my book chapters, please. Archivalia. Abgerufen am 15. Februar 2025 von