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Museums and Collections Journal 2/2009 (libre Open Access, CC-BY-NC-ND)

We are happy to announce the electronic publication of the University
Museums and Collections Journal 2/2009 (Proceedings of the 8th
Conference of the International Committee of ICOM for University Museums
and Collections in Manchester), edited by Sally MacDonald, Nathalie Nyst and
Cornelia Weber at:

Table of Contents

Evoking humanity: Reflections on the importance of university museums
and collections
Alan D. Gilbert

University museums and the community
Sally MacDonald

Experiments in the boundary zone: Science Gallery at Trinity College Dublin
Michael John Gorman

Ivory tower or welcoming neighbor? Engaging our local communities
Jane Pickering

What opportunities can university museums offer for academic-public

Some lessons from London’s Beacon for Public Engagement
Steve Cross

University museums and outreach: the Newcastle upon Tyne case study
Lindsay Allason-Jones

Web communication. A content analysis of German university collections
and museums websites
Cornelia Weber

Chasing the online audience
Mark Carnall

The effect of digitalized museum information on learning
Damon Monzavi

Beyond teaching: Out of hours at the Grant Museum
Jack Ashby

Internal audience: A key to success

Courting controversy – the Lindow Man exhibition at the Manchester Museum
Bryan Sitch

On the road again: Reaching out to isolated school communities
Karl Van Dyke

A purpose-driven university museum
Juliette Bianco

Building creative communities: How does a university museum work with
family learning in a challenging community context?
Celine West

Family matters: The role of university museums in intergenerational

Secondary school program at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History
Sarah Lloyd

The community service of the Ghent University Zoology Museum
Dominick Verschelde

The role of the university museum in community development
David Ellis

University museums in a university town: University of Tartu Museums in
the service of the local community

Ways of seeing: A model for community partnership working
Gill Hart

Accessibility to university museums: A strategical objective


OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren:
Klaus Graf (11. Februar 2010). Museums and Collections Journal 2/2009 (libre Open Access, CC-BY-NC-ND). Archivalia. Abgerufen am 14. Februar 2025 von

Autor: Klaus Graf

Historiker und Archivar, Blogger

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