Title Cronica der Statt Nurmberg
Associated Name Stuchs, Georg, d. 1520
Date Original 1561
Date Range 1561-1575
Note Cronica der Statt Nurmberg. German, ca. 1575. This work was created in about 1561 and written until 1575. It was originally bound in leaves of a parchment book, printed with movable type between 1450 and 1455, only a few years after printing with movable type was invented. Parchment leaves are in a cloth portfolio entitled “Parchment Folio from Incunabular Missal. Perhaps printed by Georg Stuchs of Nuremberg.” Both are shelved with the Medieval Manuscripts Collection; 52.5 x 37 mm leaves, 21.2 x 33.2 x 4.5 mm closed, 45 x 33.2 x 3.6 mm open
Language German
Material Vellum (Parchment)
Type (DCMIType) Text
Type (IMT) jpeg
Digital Collection Medieval Manuscripts
Contributing Institution University of Iowa. Libraries. Special Collections Dept.
Archival Collection Medieval Manuscripts
Category History
Call Number xMMs.Hi1
Finding Aid
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Klaus Graf (14. Mai 2010). Nürnberger Chronik in Iowa online. Archivalia. Abgerufen am 5. Oktober 2024 von