The Reading Room from Arnold Dreyblatt on Vimeo.
performance installation, Biennale Bern, 2001
A ten-day interactive performance – installation in which 348 Bern citizens took part.
The work functioned as a central portal for the Bern Biennale as well as the setting for daily ‘live’ reading events, an audio-visual installation environment, and selected festival activities. Public Reading Events took place three times daily for thirty minutes.
As source material, texts on the history of minority and immigrant presence in Switzerland which had been researched and collected especially for the project from archives in Switzerland were contrasted with material from the Reading Projects.
Groups and organizations from the Bern region were selected and registered for participation in the daily public readings. Each day represented a differing textual theme and source.
The installation staff coordinated the registration and arrival of the pre-invited readers.
Texts: Schweizerisches Bundesarchiv, Archiv für Zeitgeschichte, ETH Zürich, Adolf Wölfli, Research Project: Albrecht von Haller, etc.
Design, Technical Direction: Luca Ruzza
Data Projection, Database: Alexandr Krestovskij
Produced by Martin Tröendle, Hochschule für Musik und Theater, Freie Akademie, Bern
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wolfthomas (28. Juni 2010). Archive und Kunst: Arnold Dreyblatt “The reading room” Archivalia. Abgerufen am 14. Februar 2025 von