End of Archives 2.0?

Hello, dear members of Archives 2.0,

About three months ago we all learned of changes in the service provided by Ning. Basically Ning will start charging Network Creators for having a network, such as this one. Here’s the complete list of products and prices, for your information.

Currently the Archives 2.0 network is managed by Alexandra Eveleigh and myself. Both of us have agreed that in our case it is not worth to start paying for using Ning.

Ning does provide an export option for network content, useful for Network Creators who would like to leave Ning and found a new network elsewhere. There are several, similar network providers out there, that still work for free and have import options for content from Ning networks. So, this would be an option for migrating our network.

However, both Alexandra and myself have doubts about this, most of all because this current network shows low activity. Since the two of us are too busy with work and other projects, we must admit that we cannot manage this network alone, if at all.

So what happens next? We have left two options open:

1. Nothing happens. In the end, this network’s content will get exported to my personal hard drive for backup purposes, and the online network will automatically get deleted by Ning on 20 August.

2. Members like yourself step up to save this network! If several members step up as co-managers for this network, then we will setup a new network elsewhere and import this current network’s content into the new network. Tasks for the managers include welcoming new members, start discussions, post on the blog, add videos and events, edit a news letter, and comment on other people’s content. Basically: help keeping this network alive and kicking!

Well, these are our options. Please leave your thoughts online. The future of this Archives 2.0 network is in your hands. 😉

Best regards,
also on behalf of Alexandra,

Visit Archives 2.0 at: http://archives20.ning.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network

OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren:
Klaus Graf (22. Juli 2010). End of Archives 2.0? Archivalia. Abgerufen am 9. September 2024 von https://doi.org/10.58079/brld

Autor: Klaus Graf

Historiker und Archivar, Blogger

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